Facebook Pixel

Daniel Brough
2 min readApr 23, 2018


If you’re using Facebook ads or ever plan, which I highly recommend you do, you need to start using the Facebook pixel immediately if you want to get the most out of your ad budget.

What is a Facebook pixel?

The Facebook pixel is a piece of code (a cookie) that you put on the backend of your website that communicates with Facebook. The pixel helps you collect data, build audiences for other ads, optimises your ads and allows you to re-market to leads.

Remember to be transparent with your viewers and tell them that you have cookies on your website! Follow GDPR laws!

How to create a Facebook pixel

You will need to access your Facebook business manager settings to do this. If you get stuck at any point, book a call with me or email me and I will help you with this.

  1. Enter your Facebook business manager
  2. Under People and Assets or Measure and Report, click pixel
  3. Create a Facebook pixels
  4. Name your pixel — for me it’s Surrey I Love You or Impact Brand Media
  5. Press next
  6. Scroll down and you will set a long piece of code. Copy this code
  7. Next you will need to install this onto the backend of your website. It will be placed in the “header”

I have my Facebook pixel’s set up on all my websites. I have them on the Surrey I Love You website, on the Impact Brand Media website and even on my messenger landing page.

Using the Facebook pixel will help you optimise your Facebook advertising. Even if you’re not planning on running Facebook ads yet, install it. It gives the pixel time to learn and understand your audience.

If you want to learn more about the power of the Facebook pixel book your call.

If you need help or unsure you have installed the pixel correctly contact me by email or by booking a call.

Let’s make an impact


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Daniel Brough

CEO of Impact Brand Media Ltd. Impact Brand Media is a digital marketing agency built to generate leads for our clients to increase their market share.