My Vulnerabilities

Daniel Brough
5 min readJan 11, 2018


I want to share something very personal and to be truly open with you all.


That is what the meaning of the word vulnerability.

We all have them. Nobody should ever judge other people’s vulnerabilities. They are very personal.

I am sharing this article so you can get to know me better, and see what makes me tick. I want everyone to understand that it’s ok to talk about what makes you feel vulnerable. Nobody is invincible. Yet I am happy to get out of my comfort zone so I can allow myself to grow both as a person and grow my business.

Being open and honest is a major principle of mine, which is a motivation for me to share my journey with you today.

I grew up as a shy kid who hated the spotlight. It would make me feel very uncomfortable, and make me go red. I hated it! So when it came to doing presentations and public speaking I would dread it. I couldn’t think of anything worse. To this day, I still dislike public speaking. It’s something that doesn’t come naturally to me, yet at the end of November 2017, I decided that I needed to do something about it. I went online and searched for local Toastmaster groups, (Toastmasters is organisation that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs), and Networking events. My thought process was and still is, to attend as many public speaking opportunities as I can to step on stage and talk. My public speaking is coming along nicely, but has a LONG way to go before I will be stepping on stage to do a keynote. But I will be a great public speaker!

Now you might be wondering why I need or want to conquer public speaking. It’s a great question. The answer is, I know that it will make me grow as a person and through my personal growth, my business will see the benefits. The more people I can get in front of and share what I know, the better in my eyes.

Another vulnerability of mine is to worry about what people think. Don’t get me wrong it’s great to care about others, but not to the point that it’s holding you back. I worried that my friends would judge me for starting to write articles, a podcast or Vlogging. At the end of the day, it’s stupid to even care what people think of you. You only have one life, so live it how you want. You will only regret it later on in life if you don’t. And regret is the worst!

So live the life you want!

Now some of you who read this might not be a business owner and you might feel stuck in a job you hate. You might be in a job you don’t like because you feel it is the “right thing” or “safe” thing to do or you’re doing it because someone is telling you to have a “real job”. If you are not happy with what you are doing only you can change it. I was in a job before I started Impact Brand Media and Surrey I Love You, that was ok, but I always knew that I had the desire to go on my own and start my business. I just had to make the first jump and listen to my gut. I did it for me, nobody else but myself. Now I am happy everyday, doing something that I love. I was able to overcome my vulnerabilities and feeling like I should stick with a “safe job”- truthfully, I wish I had listened to my gut and created my own business sooner!

Always be truthful to yourself and give 100% into what you are doing. That way, no matter the outcome you will always be happy and proud of the effort and grit you put into it. Yes, we measure success by money and power, but if you are happy and enjoy what you’re doing then why can’t that be the measure of your success. You decide!

We are often our own worst critics. Would you speak to someone as badly as you speak to yourself? No, because we can be horrible on ourselves! Stop being that negative voice in your head. Be kinder to yourself and love yourself for all your quirks.

Live a life you are proud of and make it a good one.

All your vulnerabilities are often from that nagging voice in your head, the cruelest person in the world. Share them to a loved one or even writing them down can help, it has me.

For me, writing my vulnerabilities down and as well as writing this article helps me notice my weaknesses and allows myself to move on.

If you just take one thing away from this article, it’s to be yourself, share your vulnerabilities and overcome them. Stepping into the unknown is scary but you will learn and grow from it.

I am a big believer that your mindset and what you tell yourself is incredibly important no matter what you are doing.

Everything in life is just practice!

Thank you for reading this article, it means a lot to me. Please allow this article be the excuse you have to step out of your comfort zone and do something you love.

Also share this with anyone you think needs to see this!

Let’s make an impact together


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Daniel Brough

CEO of Impact Brand Media Ltd. Impact Brand Media is a digital marketing agency built to generate leads for our clients to increase their market share.