Acidity and Alkalinity in the Body — What You Should Know

Daniel Riley
7 min readFeb 24, 2020

When we tend to think of disease, getting sick, germs, viruses and the sorts, we don’t usually think about the acid and alkaline balance in our bodies. In fact, not many people are really that aware that there is a delicate balancing act going on inside of you, and a sway either way can range from uncomfortable to fatal. Or at least, this is what new scientific research would suggest.

Many people think that it is germs themselves that cause disease. However, germs don’t do anything unless they have the right conditions to do their nasty things. Every now and then, there is something called a garbage strike in New York City. The people that come to collect the trash don’t come for a certain number of days. Rubbish piles up in the streets and what else does it attract? Rats. Thousands of them.

Most people look at rats as being the problem, just like germs. Except the rats came second. They would never have caused an issue without the heaps of garbage being left open on the streets. It is the same in your body. If you create an environment that looks like the streets of New York after a garbage strike, you’re going to attract all of the little critters that won’t hesitate to wreak havoc inside of you.

Popular figures like Tony Robbins, possibly the most famous personal…



Daniel Riley

Passionate about personal development in mind, body and finance. You can also find me at