What Would This Look Like If It Were Easy?

Daniel Riley
3 min readMar 27, 2020
Photo by LumenSoft Technologies on Unsplash

Tim Ferriss had a series of existential questions when he reached the age of 40. He had experienced book rejections, huge book success, had learnt several languages and had seen a number of his friends die. He realised that most of his life’s planning revolved around what he wanted to have accomplished by the age of 40 — nothing with regards to after.

So, as is the case for many people at this age, a mini mid-life crisis started to ensue. Difficult questions would surface and although they were important, Tim didn’t know how to approach many of them, nevermind answer them.

Were my goals my own, or simply what I thought I should want?

How much of life had I missed from underplanning or overplanning?

How could I be kinder to myself?

How could I better say no to the noise to better say yes to the adventures I craved?

How could I best reassess my life, my priorities, my view of the world, my place in the world, and my trajectory through the world?

The thing is, Tim is no stranger to difficult situations and decisions. Whether the dilemma be a personal one, a business one, a relationship one or one in any other walk of life, there is always one question that he leans back on to clarify his thoughts.



Daniel Riley
Daniel Riley

Written by Daniel Riley

Passionate about personal development in mind, body and finance. You can also find me at https://danielriley.blog/