Can women have it all?

Daniela Gomes
3 min readJun 7, 2019


As a proud human being of the 21st century, I have several passions: yoga, jetskiing, singing, travelling around the world, public speaking, networking with like-minded people, closing premium sales, etc. I could even write a book describing them in full detail. But let us now go to the point.

One of my biggest passions when doing business is: mentoring and coaching Women in Tech, especially in Artificial Intelligence, to become as successful as their male counterparts in raising big bucks for their tech businesses and projects.

Why Artificial Intelligence (AI) ? AI is seen as the “new electricity”.

Just as electricity transformed the way industries functioned in the 20th century, AI is already transforming our daily lives…

Plus, AI has the power to substantially change society in the next 100 years!

Not to forget mentioning that, despite living in the so-called man’s world, women are definitely the future… if not already the present :)

Can you imagine a nearby future where AI and Women work so well together? I surely can and am pretty optimistic about it.

The best and funniest moments of my career were always when I had the privilege to coach amazing Women in Science and Technology, including Artificial Intelligence.

They shared with me some of their struggles in ‘breaking the glass ceiling’ whenever they intended to scale up their careers and/or their businesses…

…mostly because these women work in male-dominant sectors. So do I!

Despite the hurdles most Women in Tech have to face on their daily lives, the investment funding ecosystem is gradually changing… for the better!

There are surely:

  • more women leading both low- and high-tech businesses
  • more women becoming business angels or venture capitalists
  • more women leading the funding departments of governmental institutions (e.g. European Union)
  • more women being awarded funding for their projects
  • more women having a seat at the Board of Directors.

Yes, I know it will still take at least 20 years (if not more!) for women to represent at least 40% of:

  • the workforce in Artificial Intelligence, and Tech in general
  • the entrepreneurship ecosystem
  • the top leadership (e.g. CEOs, CTOs…) at tech businesses
  • the seats at tech companies’ Board of Directors
  • venture capitalists and business angels
  • those who are awarded funding from investors.

But as I get older, I see that my dream — since I was little — is gradually coming true:

  • seeing women gaining lots of power (financially, strategically, politically, economically…)
  • seeing women becoming the true influencers in many areas worldwide.

Every time I coach my clients in getting funding from investors, I always remind them they are the only true CEOs of their lives, their businesses, their innovations and… their DESTINY!

Once they show to the world who is in control, even investors will help them smashing the glass ceiling and recognize: “Oh WOW! They truly mean business, so let’s invest and go all in!”.

