Study Anywhere in a Different Way

Daniela in English
3 min readFeb 25, 2021


More than ever, the creation of “ideal study spaces” became a reality through our screens with youtubers and influencers.

Edited version. Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

In 2020, the remote study took an unforeseen role. It allowed existing online didatic spaces to scale up to the next level, but it also acknowledged those who already showed their love for online learning. Through social media such as Instagram and Youtube, #Studygrammers and Vloggers -video bloggers- of the study methods offer their tactics to concentrate for hours, help memory and enjoy study experience in general.

This trend which favors the creation of skills and an organized personal agenda, can have unexpected practices for people used to the traditional techniques: procrastinate, read up to dawn and dump as is in the exams. In this evolving niche there are youtubers who record their study sessions with or without background music, be it morning or evening. In addition, they share the spaces they built to concentrate and their techniques to meet the goals proposed in studies and the modern world of work. Everything starts from their own experience, which inspires a trust and cooperation climate.

Reasons why they are viral and effective

There may not be an infallible method to create the right inspiration for each of our tasks, but a process can be followed to achieve the best results and with almost no calculation errors. This is taught by this new generation of students and professionals, who grapple with a vast volume of information that they must interpret while trying to maintain order in their personal agendas. One of their main motivations is to maximize the talents they can develop in each area in which they are part.

In continuation, a review of the most popular tactics that influencers offer us to study anywhere in a different way:

Youtube channel: Colibrí.
Youtube channel: Estudiar Derecho.

1- They invite to be part of their study sessions

Some people require not only throwing their cell phones out of reach to focus, but also being in the company of someone who faces a similar challenge. Therefore, these youtubers share their reading routines in public libraries, coffee shops or their homes. They specify the length of their breaks and whether there will be ambient sound or instrumental music. Sometimes they can even be on live broadcasts.

Youtube channel: Ceto.

2- They share tips that have worked for them

Among the most recommended, the Pomodoro technique stands out, created in the ’80s by Francesco Cirillo. Nowadays he owns his own consulting firm, but three decades ago he was the author of the book that helped students from all over the world to self-manage their time efficiently. His idea is born from his frustrated experience with university life. In his own words he shared: “I wanted to get more done in less time”. In consequence, he established a process that needed a few rules: a kitchen timer, a prioritized list of goals, and a space for unforeseen or urgent activities.

“A different way of looking at time (no longer focused on the concept of ‘becoming’) alleviates anxiety and, in doing so, leads to greater personal efficacy” — Cirillo, 1992.

The times with Pomodoro are typically 25 minutes per activity with 5 minutes of rest. Although because it has several stages with a reason for being, it is advisable to read the book directly to fully understand its consistency.

3- Their motivation has an order and meaning

The study community was created on Instagram by a wave of ideas about how and when to learn better, and also add a more personal touch. Its basis consists in recommending google extensions, sharing drive folders with summaries, and a variety of other options.

The main objective is to generate a collaborative learning space, where all the knowledge shared by users is welcomed.

Wether struggling with a disorganized daily schedule, an environment that doesn’t inspire enough motivation to focus, or a lack of personal challenge, these vocational students may have a solution.



Daniela in English

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