25 Badass Sites with Free Stock Photos

Daniela Lazovska
4 min readSep 28, 2015


A version of this article originally appeared in Spanish here.

The expression “Use an image, it’s worth a thousand words.” is very old. It was used in 1911 for the first time citing the New York Evening Journal editor Arthur Brisbane. And in the social media marketing world it has never been more true.

An image is worth a 1000 words and if you add a little text you get extraordinary power, especially with tools like Pinterest. You need photos that grab the attention and help your audience take the next step: follow you, visit your website, read your blog, subscribe to your email list, get to know your products and services, buy from you, etc.

Enjoy the list of 25 badass sites with tons of free photos and have fun creating images your audience will devour:

1.Pexels: Best free photos in one place. Pexels offers high-resolution photos from various sites.

2. Jay Mantri: Free pics by Jay Mantri, you can do anything with them.

3. Plixs

4. Unsplash: Free (do whatever you want) high-resolution photos.

5. Death to the Stock Photo: Free photos sent to you every month. You have to register to receive high-resolution pics by mail.

6. Foodie’s Feed: Free food pictures in hi-res by Jakub Kapusnak.

7. Pixabay: Free high quality images. One of the best places for high-resolution pics. The gallery has over 300.000 photos.

8. Magdeleine: Offers free high-resolution photos from all over the web.

9. New Old Stock: Free vintage photos.

10. Picjumbo: Totally free photos.

11. Life of Pix: Free high-resolution photos.

12. Gratisography: The photographer Ryan McGuire offers free high-resolution photos on Gratisography.

13. Jeshoots has a small collection of free high-resolution photos and search categories.

14. IM Free: A curated collection of free resources.

15. Epicantus — high resolution photos.

16. ISO Republic: High-quality, free photos for creatives.

17. Cupcake: A photographer’s treat by Jonas Nilsson Lee.

18. Getrefe: Free photos.

19. MorgueFile one of the best sites for free photos.

20. Foter - 200 million free high-resolution photo gallery.

21. Little Visuals: offers 7 high resolution images in your inbox every 7 days.

22. Picography

23. Photo Everywhere journey photos free to use.

24. SplitShire free high-resolution pics by Daniel Nanescu.

25. Stockvault offers more than 50000 high-resolutions pics.

There you have it 25 badass sites with free images so your visual marketing results explode.

Do you have a favorite site for free images?

Have any other great ones to add to the list?

Feel free to speak your mind or stop by to say Hi on Twitter or Pinterest.



Daniela Lazovska

I design customer experiences that clone clients | On a mission to convince all sceptics that CX & WOM combined with content will grow your business in no time