Geneva, Friday, 23:20

D I Norris
3 min readMay 5, 2020


Image by Christophe Schindler from Pixabay

This is a work of fiction.

Any resemblance to actual events or to real persons, dead or alive is, naturally, strictly coincidental.



Friday, 23:20

“Could you please repeat that?” asked Dr Wells.

“The Americans have started mass-production of vaccines. They are ready to share the unpatented formula and are happy for the WHO to provide it to everyone else, on the condition we don’t reveal where it came from,” said the Director General.

“I don’t get it,” said Dr Van Deymin, his eyes narrowing.

“Gentlemen, there is no time to waste. We are offered something that might change the course of history. Let me remind you that twenty-four hours ago we didn’t think a vaccine could be developed in the near future. Now we are told that American pharmaceuticals have started producing it. I find this astounding.”

“I find this very, very worrying,” said Dr Wells. “The only way they can be producing this vaccine is if they had been planning it for a long time. Which, to me, has only one meaning.”

“I have to agree with you,” said Dr Van Deymin.

The Director General sighed.

“Gentlemen, there is another explanation, but this is not the time to discuss it; I now ask you to put your suspicions aside and alert all network laboratories and pharmaceutical companies to be ready to start production. The next step will be to start planning the global distribution mechanism, as we should have vaccines and anti viral drugs ready for global distribution within weeks, maybe less.”

Dr Wells and Dr Van Deymin looked at each other.

“All right, Dr Chi,” said Dr Wells, getting to his feet. Dr Van Deymin did the same.

“Thank you for your confidence,” said the Director General.

The two men left the Director General’s office feeling a mixture of relief and anxiety.

“Is this the biggest cover-up in WHO history?” asked Dr Van Deymin, looking at his colleague who marched down the corridor towards the SHOC.

“It sure sounds like it,” said Dr Wells.

“In any case, our main concern at the moment is to resolve the crisis and start production and distribution. I’m sure that the truth will explode in someone’s face in the foreseeable future,” said Dr Van Deymin.

“We’ll start implementing our Pandemic Emergency Plan for Production and Distribution, effective immediately,” announced Dr Wells as he stormed into the SHOC.

Everyone stopped talking and stared at him.

“Within forty-eight hours, the four major pharmaceutical companies should start massive production of vaccines against the virus, a previously unknown strain of flu. Other production plants, located in Brazil, Canada, Dubai, China, India and Israel, should start production as soon as they are ready. We’ve done this drill, now it is for real. Everyone, please get to work on it immediately,” instructed Dr Wells.

A commotion filled the SHOC, as everyone started typing onto computer keyboards or dialling numbers to faraway contacts, worldwide.

“I just hope we are doing the right thing,” said Dr Van Deymin as he headed to his own office.

Missed the previous chapter? Here it is:

Link to the beginning of the series here below:

This is a work of fiction.

Any resemblance to actual events or to real persons, dead or alive is, naturally, strictly coincidental.



D I Norris

former diplomat, turned author, speaker, hypnotherapist and time-traveller