Contributing to Golang using Google's Pixelbook

Daniela Petruzalek
6 min readAug 1, 2018

In my previous article I’ve explained how I’ve set up my Google Pixelbook for development in Go. Since tomorrow starts Gophercon UK, I’m in the mood for digging a little deeper, so I decided to make a contribution to the Go language with my new setup.

If you have never contributed to the Go language I strongly suggest you check the guide on this link. I’ll cover some aspects of it over the course of this text, but in case of doubt please go to the source.

The first thing you need before contributing to Go (besides having Go installed) is to sign a CLA, the Contributor Licensing Agreement. I have already signed it, so I’ll skip this step. If you haven’t signed it yet please follow the instructions on this link.

Configuring git

git already comes pre-installed in the Pixelbook’s Linux container, so it’s just a matter of configuring it with my credentials:

$ git config --global
$ git config --global "Your Name"

Please change and Your Nameto reflect the account you used to sign the CLA.

Next step is to configure authentication as described on the contributor’s guide. Basically you have to access and generate a password…



Daniela Petruzalek

Executive Director at JPMC, Google Developer Expert: Go & GCP, TEDx speaker, blogger, traveler and cat lover =^.^=