Python in Space: How Python is Powering Satellite Technology and Space Exploration [SpaceX & NASA]

Builescu Daniel
16 min readJul 15, 2023
Python in Space: How Python is Powering Satellite Technology and Space Exploration

Python’s Role in the Aerospace Industry

Imagine soaring high above the Earth, peering down from the heights of the cosmos, aboard a satellite orbiting our beautiful planet. That’s right, friends! We’re not just flying anywhere; we’re flying in space, the final frontier. And guess what’s powering our flight? It’s Python, our trusty companion!

You may wonder, “How can a simple programming language play a role in such a complex field as aerospace?” Well, let’s unravel this cosmic mystery together.

Python, A Stowaway in Spacecrafts

Python is a language known for its simplicity and readability. Its clear and straightforward syntax makes it almost like reading English. This user-friendly nature means that we, coders, can spend less time wrestling with confusing code and more time solving the important problems, like ensuring our satellite doesn’t collide with an asteroid!

But Python isn’t just a one-trick pony. Oh no! This language has a whole toy box full of features that make it perfect for the aerospace industry. First off, it’s dynamically typed. In layman’s terms, this means that Python is flexible. Imagine you’re an astronaut; you…



Builescu Daniel

Ex-Googler teaching Python and Django. Writing weekends to make you a pro coder!