Capitalism Is The Problem, ………. (Part Two: A republic, if you can keep it)

D. J. Adams
10 min readApr 7, 2022


Some of the most important inventors you may not have heard of, are: Charles Babbage, Ada Lovelace, Herman Hollerith, Semyon Korsakov, Alan Turing; where to start? The truth is; Hollerith was the only one that succeeded financially. How do I define this? Well, several of these people were born into privilege or married into or inherited significant wealth; and their inventiveness did not expand their wealth significantly. So, the definition of success is: that they grew their own wealth within their inventions.

Yet, being an “inventor” of something was not always that lucrative. Maybe the best example of this is Nikola Tesla. He came to America with a reported four cents in his pocket. He should have become the richest person in the world (based on the value of his patents regarding Alternating Current electricity). Yet, he died bankrupt living in a Hotel room in New York (the room and his food was paid for by George Westinghouse. Although, Thomas Edison still owed him around $90,000 or more; equivalent to about $1.5 million today).

Today, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon are notoriously some of the largest corporations in the world. Elon Musk is notoriously one of the wealthiest people in the world (estimated about $270 Billion; for comparisons sake: Jeff Bezos (Amazon) has only $190 Billion, and Bill Gates (Microsoft) a paltry $140 Billion; and Steve Jobs (Apple) would be worth only an estimated $11 Billion). However, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon, invented nothing. As for Thomas Edison he was worth about $12 million at his death (about $200 million in today’s money; mostly off “Edison General Electric Company” which J. P. Morgan took over due to debt, forcing Edison out and removing his name from the company; thus establishing “General Electric” after a merger with Thomson-Houston Electric Company).

(NOTE: before anybody starts throwing Apple products at me; I remind you: they assemble components invented by others. A illustrative quote I saw once was: “Did the world’s greatest chef ever invent any actual ingredients?” (CITE: Glyn Williams, Quora, July 17, 2017). So, please hold your phone-calls).

The history of Apple or Microsoft could reasonably be attributable to Alan Turing or even further back to the likes of Charles Babbage or Ada Lovelace. However, the modern era of computers really depends on three specific inventions:

1. British engineer John Ambrose Fleming’s invention and patent of; the thermionic valve, the first vacuum tube (1904). This allowed the creation of the ENIAC (by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly), which lead to the UNIVAC I ((UNIVersal Automatic Computer I; principally designed by the same). It was the first general-purpose electronic digital computer. This was used for the 1950 U.S. Census; and the 1954 economic Census. It was comprised of a multitude of vacuum tubes, and was primarily “electronic” (although, Input-Output was still primarily electro-mechanical).

2. John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley invented the first working transistors at Bell Labs, the point-contact transistor in 1947. Shockley introduced the improved bipolar junction transistor in 1948, which entered production in the early 1950s and led to the first widespread use of transistors.

3. The invention of the integrated circuit (multiple transistors on one chip; this invention, its advancement, and the usable production type, is attributed to multiple inventors inclusive of: monolithic IC chips were invented by Robert Noyce of Fairchild Semiconductor (the basis of the modern IC); as well as electrical insulation based on the planar process technology developed by Fairchild’s Jean Hoerni.; and Jack Kilby’s of Texas Instruments patented hybrid integrated circuit (hybrid IC) and the principle of integration; and Kurt Lehovec’s (of Sprague Electric Company) p–n junction isolation which provided a way to electrically isolate components on a semiconductor crystal).

These basic inventions are the foundations of what we call the “computer” today. It does not matter whether it’s a CPU or memory; it does not matter whether it’s: germanium-based, silicon-based, or gallium-arsenide-based. The principles and processes are essentially the same. These then became part of the “Apple-I Computer” and others (MOS 6502, 8-bit CPU) or the “Radio Shack TRS-80 Computer” and others (based on the Intel 8080 or Zilog Z80, 8-bit CPU).

Likewise, it does not matter if one speaks of CP/M, MS-DOS, PC-DOS, p-Systems, MAC OS, Windows, or any of the Unix (AT&T) based OS’s, inclusive of (but not limited to): Xenix (Microsoft/SCO), Linux, or Unix or MAC OS X (Apple), or Windows NT (and thereafter Windows; Microsoft); these are all merely “operating systems”. The all do the same thing: manage the flow and actions involving the information and instructions within a computer (NOTE: the microkernel of all these “flavors” of Unix, are allegedly “independently” developed, but use parts of prior variants. As a practical matter, the biggest difference is the GUI (Graphical User Interface; the part that the user sees and generally interacts with directly) that is built on top of the “guts”. Although, many purists would beg to differ.).

Why all this information on computers? The fact is: TECHNOLOGY is the basis of the world’s Second Industrial Revolution. Its importance and influence on our daily lives, can not be UNDERSTATED, no matter how hard one tries. Four out of the top five BIGGEST corporations in the world are technology companies; and are American. Five of the six so-called “Trillion Dollar Club” corporations, are American and are “technology” companies. About two-thirds of the fifty biggest corporations in the world, are American. In short: for better or worse: “America” is a “capitalist” country.

Capitalism IS A Geo-political movement; it is the NEW means of “colonialism/imperialism” for the last 175 years. Capitalism has become “puppet masters” of our world; and the very threat that our founding fathers’ warned us against.

Where once, autocratic kings and dictators with vast military apparatus to do their bidding; were the mechanism of colonialist enslavement. Who by force of arms conquered countries and continents. It is now autocratic CEO’s and dictators with vast economic apparatus to do their bidding; and acting as the mechanism of colonialist enslavement. Who by force of economics are conquering countries and continents. Further, as the war in Ukraine is proving; when the “soft force” of money and food, fails to achieve the whims of these NEW autocrats and dictators; these NEW autocrats and dictators have NO COMPUNCTION against using the “old tried and trued” system of FORCE OF ARMS; through the power and influence over “weak minded governments” and “weak minded people” (who sell their very souls for the ‘latest’ technological device or service).

Don’t believe this? Consider these facts:


Market capitalization of Apple (AAPL); Market cap: $2.794 Trillion; As of April 2022 Apple has a market cap of $2.794 Trillion. This makes Apple the most valuable company in the world by market cap. It was the FIRST corporation to exceed the “$3 Trillion” market cap bar.*

“Apple Becomes First Company to Hit $3 Trillion Market Value. The iPhone maker’s value tripled since 2018 as its sales continued to soar and it spent hundreds of billions of dollars on its own stock” (

Where does that put Apple within the context of the world’s economy. It places it about SIXTH (Behind the UK and ahead of India; real numbers 1/3/2022-based on GDP verses Market Cap).

In another context, it would make the top ten corporations as a collective, THE SECOND LARGEST ECONOMY in the world (surpassing China, and second only to the United States; GDP verses market cap-1/3/2022; eight out of these ten corporations are American).

The rest of the “Trillionaire Boys Club”:

Market capitalization of Saudi Aramco (2222.SR); Market cap: $2.283 Trillion. As of April 2022 Saudi Aramco has a market cap of $2.283 Trillion. This makes Saudi Aramco the world’s second most valuable company by market cap.*

Market capitalization of Microsoft (MSFT); Market cap: $2.251 Trillion. As of April 2022 Microsoft has a market cap of $2.251 Trillion. This makes Microsoft the world’s third most valuable company by market cap.*

Market capitalization of Alphabet (Google) (GOOG); Market cap: $1.800 Trillion. As of April 2022 Alphabet (Google) has a market cap of $1.800 Trillion. This makes Alphabet (Google) the world’s 4th most valuable company by market cap.*

Market capitalization of Amazon (AMZN); Market cap: $1.604 Trillion. As of April 2022 Amazon has a market cap of $1.604 Trillion. This makes Amazon the world’s 5th most valuable company by market cap.*

Market capitalization of Tesla (TSLA); Market cap: $1.089 Trillion. As of April 2022 Tesla has a market cap of $1.089 Trillion. This makes Tesla the world’s 6th most valuable company by market cap.*

(* www.; 4/6/2022).

Back when I was about 12, I read a book entitled: “The Sovereign State of ITT” (Anthony Simpson; Hodder & Stoughton, Ltd. ISBN-10: 0812815378, ISBN-13: 978–0812815375; First edition Stein & Day: 1/1/1973). It brought into focus an undeniable truth: Corporations have no boundaries. What does this mean? It is not merely that they are not geographically organized. It is that they are not limited by any real force or mechanism. They operate with impunity. They are not controlled by any “democratic” process or force. They have no rules other than the rules they create for themselves. And the forces that are arrayed to “hem” them in, have little or no effect; UNLESS THEY CHOOSE. If a governmental force acts to restrain them, and they choose not to abide by that restraint; they simply act to change the governmental force. The “politicians” no matter where a corporation is acting; are puppets of their corporate masters. In order to obtain a place of power (political office) the politician must either be an economic force in their own-right; or be subservient to some economic force. It does not matter if this is applied to so-called “western democracies” or to eastern autocracies, or developing or third-world countries. The ability to impart vast amounts of “money” into a situation; buy them their desired results. This is especially true after the ill-conceived, absurd, and OBJECTIVELY ANTI-DEMOCRATIC decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in the “Citizens’ United” case (Citizens United, Appellant v. Federal Election Commission (2010) 558 U.S. 310, S. Ct. 876; 175 L. Ed. 2d 753). In this case, the Court ignored or over-ruled nearly 220 years of Constitutional jurisprudence and decisions. It created a “CARVE-OUT” of “special rights” that was applicable only to corporations and the extremely-wealthy; and created a never-before-known understanding that corporations were “people”

The provisions of our constitution applied to “persons”, states, and our federal government; eg.:

“the CITIZENS of each state shall be entitled to all PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES of CITIZENS in the several states.” (The Privileges and Immunities Clause of Article IV, Section 2 of the Constitution, emph. added);

“No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the PRIVILEGES OR IMMUNITIES of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any PERSON of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any PERSON within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” (U.S. Const. 14th Amend.; emph. added).


Person, individual, personage are terms applied to human beings. Person is the most general and common word: the average person. Individual views a person as standing alone or as a single member of a group: the characteristics of the individual, …” (;

“a human” (OxfordDictionary);

“1 : natural person. 2 : the body of a human being also : ‘the body and clothing of a human being had drugs on his person.’” (Merriam-Webster).

It is noted here that some listings include “corporations or partnerships”, these are newer definitions. As provided in the Journals of the Convention of 1787; and the various documents on debate of the Constitution (1787–1791); the words “persons” and/or citizens DID NOT include non-human entities such as companies, partnerships, and/or corporations.

One of the features of the definition of a “person” is the so-called: “rights and duties” extension; the problem with this extension in application to “legal entities” is that they generally cannot be held responsible: ie. One cannot put a “corporation” in jail; one cannot sue a CEO for corporate misconduct. The very basis of our SOCIAL-CONTRACT (ie. constitution and laws) is that there is “rights AND responsibilities” to the community directly. Yet, as now conceived, corporations have all the rights, but none of the responsibilities.

In the context of our history of legal construction, person and citizen has always been equated to an “individual”. A CEO is an individual, and can vote. A corporation is NOT an “individual” and has NO RIGHT TO VOTE. A CEO can be held liable for building an “illegal fence” around his house. The CEO cannot be held liable for building an “illegal” fence” around a corporation.

The EFFECT AND PURPOSE of the Citizens’ United decision, was NOT to extend “Freedom of Speech” rights to corporations, but to DEGRADE the freedom of speech rights of ALL INDIVIDUALS within the context of our political system. It created and was designed to create AN INEQUITY of citizenship; in favor of those whom ALREADY have power; at the expense of those who don’t.

The CORE-ELEMENT of democratic principles, is the Right to Vote; the “one-person-one-vote” theory. Corporations cannot vote, they have NO DOG IN THIS FIGHT. Yes, they have an ANCILLARY INTEREST in who is elected here in the United States, but so do the people living in China or Mexico. Yet, we do not allow the people in China or Mexico to vote or even contribute to political candidates in the United States elections.

The group that was at the core of the Citizens’ United case, KNEW they could not exercise power at the BALLOT. Thus, they undertook to DILUTE the power of the citizens who COULD EXERCISE POWER AT THE BALLOT. In short: they sought to TAKE AWAY the most basic principles of our social-contract: the vote; that is: they could not “out vote” the people. Thus, they sought to LIMIT THE EFFECT, of the vote of the people; through the unlimited expenditure of money.

This is exactly the kind of horror that Franklin warned about in his remarks to the delegates at the Constitutional convention in June of 1787; the comingling of wealth and governmental power. With corporations as powerful as countries, and more wealthy than many countries; the restraints on them for the protection of individuals and personal rights; are more important than ever.

It was once asserted to me (in a conversation about effective governance), that the most EFFECTIVE possible leader for any nation (specifically ours) would be: a “BENEVOLANT DICTATOR”. My retort, was that such could never exist, because it was a contradiction in terms; and further, that while such might be the most EFFECTIVE means of governance, it is not the most empowering. As was well recognized from before the creation of this country: power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. THAT IS THE TRUTH WE FACE NOW, WITHIN OUR CURRENT CORPORATIONS AND LEGAL DEVICES.

Why? Capitalism. The definition of “capitalism” is: “an economic and POLITICAL system, whose purpose is to accumulate wealth.” However, wealth beyond an individual’s needs, is no longer even the accumulation of wealth; it is the accumulation of power. Inequality of power is called: a dictatorship. That is not what the founding father’s were attempting to create. So says, the founding fathers; with the caveat: “if you can keep it.” (Franklin in answer to Mrs. Powell’s question: “What have you created, a republic or a monarchy? To which Franklin answered, “A republic, if you can keep it.”).

Copyright 2022 D. J. Adams, All right reserved



D. J. Adams

D. J. Adams is a nom de plume or pseudonym. I’ve been on this earth so long, the rocks call me grandpa. I am the founder, CEO, and run multiple corporations.