Using a Cisco 2600 Series Router as a Serial Console Server

Daniel C. Eckert
6 min readAug 22, 2015


Serial consoles sound like an obsolete technology at first blush — after all, when was the last time you saw an RS-232 port on a computer, much less anyone actually using it for something? However, serial consoles remain the gold standard for out-of-band management of many enterprise-grade network devices. The format has changed a little, with many devices using RJ-45 ports to increase density vs. the wider legacy RS-232 standard, but the pinouts and underlying functionality remain the same — almost inevitably, an engineer has to dig up an adapter to convert USB to RS-232, and another adapter to convert RS-232 to RJ-45 just to be able to manage these devices. Equipment manufacturers are slowly transitioning to include mini-USB as an optional alternative, but the serial console persists.

Why not SSH?

In mission-critical networks, a console server providing OOB management is desirable because it allows a network operator to directly manage a network device as though they were physically sitting in front of it with a keyboard and monitor. Unlike SSH or Telnet, serial OOB management allows a network operator to interact with a device from the time it is powered on to the time it is powered off — without relying on a working operating system or properly configured SSH/Telnet server software — making it ideal for troubleshooting scenarios.

Purchasing Options

Even today, a purpose-built 32-port serial console server costs $2,000-$3,000 (or more). By comparison, a robust 32-port console server can be easily built from used parts for less than $200.

This article documents one such way of accomplishing this task. While many writeups of this exist, the purpose of this article is to specifically document the configuration necessary for a Cisco 2651XM router with Cisco’s NM-32A Async Network Module. Cisco has a great guide based on their 2500-Series router platform, and many writeups exist for modified versions of this with various router platforms and network modules. However, this writeup specifically documents this particular config and hardware in the hope it will save time for others. These instructions should work for any 2600-Series router with little/no modification, but they are specifically written for a 2651XM running IOS version c2600-advipservicesk9-mz.124–19 with an NM-32a network module.

Below is the average price from recent Buy-It-Now eBay listings of the parts required:

The number of CAB-OCTAL-ASYNC cables needed depends on the number of serial connections you need. Each cable has 8 connections, so for a full 32-port console server you’ll need 4 CAB-OCTAL-ASYNC cables. If you need 16 connections or fewer, the NM-16a is an acceptable alternative to the NM-32a, but due to the popularity of the NM-32a it may be less expensive to get the card with more ports.


This writeup makes the following assumptions:

Line Numbers

In this configuration, we have a couple of specific values that correspond to the physical lines coming out of the console server (attached to console ports on other devices).

  • The physical lines are numbered 1–32.
  • The virtual line numbers may differ depending on internal inventory techniques; use the show line command to review the range that is correct for your device; on my equipment, this range is 33–64 (see the example output at the bottom of this document)
  • The telnet port numbers exposed for remote management are 2000 + virtual line number. In my case, this means 2033–2064


Below is the complete set of configuration steps (commands) to be issued on the router’s console to complete the setup:


configure terminal

hostname SERVER-NAME
enable secret 0 PASSWORD
username admin password PASSWORD

int f0/0
ip address dhcp
no shut

line 33 64
transport input telnet
no exec
exec-timeout 0 0

line vty 0 4
password PASSWORD

no ip http server

ip classless

ip subnet-zero

ip host LINE1 2033
ip host LINE2 2034
ip host LINE3 2035
ip host LINE4 2036
ip host LINE5 2037
ip host LINE6 2038
ip host LINE7 2039
ip host LINE8 2040
ip host LINE9 2041
ip host LINE10 2042
ip host LINE11 2043
ip host LINE12 2044
ip host LINE13 2045
ip host LINE14 2046
ip host LINE15 2047
ip host LINE16 2048
ip host LINE17 2049
ip host LINE18 2050
ip host LINE19 2051
ip host LINE20 2052
ip host LINE21 2053
ip host LINE22 2054
ip host LINE23 2055
ip host LINE24 2056
ip host LINE25 2057
ip host LINE26 2058
ip host LINE27 2059
ip host LINE28 2060
ip host LINE29 2061
ip host LINE30 2062
ip host LINE31 2063
ip host LINE32 2064


wr mem

Note that the loopback interface (lo0) is configured with the IP address and subnet mask This can be any address and subnet, but it is specific to the loopback interface (cannot overlap with the rest of your network).

Also note that the FastEthernet 0/0 interface (f0/0) is configured to receive an IP address from a local DHCP server when connected to your network. If you’d like to set a specific/static address, use the following commands (example given is a device IP of and subnet mask of


configure terminal

ip address

wr mem

Console Port Speeds

The default configuration assumes that all of the equipment you want to connect to from the console server uses the Cisco-default serial connection speed of 9600bps (9600 baud) — other common speeds include 38400 and 115200. If you need to change this for all ports, you can do so by executing the following command (assumes we are changing the rate to 38400 for all ports):


configure terminal

line 33 65
rxspeed 38400
txspeed 38400

wr mem

You can also make changes to specific lines by changing the line range (instead of “33 65” specify the lines you want to change).

Virtual Line Numbers

Below is the output of a show line command demonstrating lines 33–64. Note that the lines on this console server are configured for 38400 baud instead of the normal 9600 baud rate.

Remote Access

Once you’re done configuring the console server, connect the physical octal cable lines to the appropriate console ports on your other devices (or use a patch panel to create longer extensions with straight-through Cat5e/6/6a Ethernet cables). Then connect the console server to a network/Internet connection using the FastEthernet 0/0 port. Once you confirm the IP address on f0/0 (use show ip int br on the command line if needed), head over to your remote access client. For the purposes of this overview, we’re assuming that f0/0 on the console server has IP address

From the remote access client, you can directly access any device physically connected to the console server using telnet. Remember from above that the telnet port number follows the format: 2000 + virtual line number. If you are trying to access the device connected to line 1 on the console server (with physical line 1 identified as virtual line 33), using a Windows command line client, could do so by issuing the following command:

telnet 2033

You will be prompted to enter the username and password you specified earlier in the configuration process. After entering this information, you will have direct access to the connected device through the console server.



Daniel C. Eckert

Leader of engineers. Designer of datacenters, networks, software, supply chain, & product strategies. Mentor & advisor.