Embracing the Future of Retail: The Role of AI-Enabled Digital Humans

Daniel CF Ng
5 min readJun 15, 2024

In a rapidly evolving technological landscape, the retail industry stands at the forefront of embracing innovative solutions that enhance customer experiences and operational efficiency. One such groundbreaking innovation is the AI-enabled Digital Human, which promises to revolutionize how retailers interact with their customers. This essay explores how AI-enabled Digital Humans, capable of serving customers in their own language and facilitating seamless ordering processes, can transform the retail industry. We will delve into specific applications, including assisting visually impaired customers, integrating with kitchen and payment systems, and personalizing customer experiences through biometrics and loyalty programs. By examining these aspects, we aim to demonstrate how small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can leverage this technology to save costs, drive efficiency, and achieve significant business impact.

The Role of Digital Humans in Retail

Digital Humans are sophisticated AI-driven interfaces designed to interact with customers through natural language processing, facial recognition, and other advanced technologies. These virtual assistants can perform various tasks traditionally handled by human staff, such as answering queries, processing orders, and providing personalized recommendations. In the retail sector, Digital Humans can serve as the perfect bridge between technology and human interaction, offering a seamless and engaging customer experience.

Communicating in the Customer’s Own Language

One of the standout features of Digital Humans is their ability to communicate with customers in their native language. This capability is particularly valuable in multicultural and multilingual regions such as Asia-Pacific, where businesses often cater to a diverse clientele. By understanding and speaking the customer’s language, Digital Humans can enhance the overall shopping experience, making it more comfortable and intuitive.

For example, a customer visiting a retail store in Singapore may speak English, Mandarin, or Malay. A Digital Human can seamlessly switch between these languages, ensuring that communication barriers do not hinder the shopping experience. This linguistic versatility not only improves customer satisfaction but also broadens the retailer’s appeal to a wider audience.

Facilitating Orders for the Visually Impaired

Inclusivity is a key aspect of modern retail, and AI-enabled Digital Humans play a crucial role in making shopping accessible to all customers, including those with visual impairments. Traditional ordering methods often pose challenges for visually impaired individuals, but Digital Humans can bridge this gap by providing voice-activated interfaces and audio descriptions of menu items.

For instance, in a restaurant setting, a visually impaired customer can interact with the Digital Human to place an order. The Digital Human can describe the menu items in detail, including ingredients, preparation methods, and pricing. The customer can then use voice commands to select their desired items, ensuring a smooth and inclusive ordering process. This technology not only enhances accessibility but also demonstrates the retailer’s commitment to serving all customers equitably.

Visual Menus and Touchscreen Support

In addition to assisting visually impaired customers, Digital Humans can also enhance the ordering process for all customers through visual menus and touchscreen interfaces. Visual menus provide a graphical representation of available items, making it easier for customers to browse and select their choices. The touchscreen interface complements this by allowing customers to interact directly with the menu, selecting and customizing their orders with a few taps.

For example, in a fast-food restaurant, customers can use the touchscreen to browse through images of menu items, read descriptions, and view nutritional information. The Digital Human can provide additional assistance by answering questions, suggesting popular items, or highlighting special promotions. This combination of visual and interactive elements streamlines the ordering process, reduces wait times, and enhances the overall customer experience.

Integration with Kitchen and Payment Systems

A key advantage of AI-enabled Digital Humans is their ability to integrate seamlessly with kitchen and payment systems, eliminating the need for human waitstaff and enhancing operational efficiency. When a customer places an order through the Digital Human, the order is immediately transmitted to the kitchen, where it can be prepared without delay. This direct integration minimizes errors and ensures that orders are processed quickly and accurately.

Moreover, Digital Humans can handle a variety of payment methods, including credit cards, digital wallets, and regional payment systems like Singapore’s PayNow and Malaysia’s Touch’nGo. By offering multiple payment options, retailers can cater to a broader range of customers and provide a convenient checkout experience. For example, a customer dining in a café can place their order with the Digital Human, pay using their preferred method, and receive an order confirmation instantly, all without the need for human intervention.

Personalization through Biometrics and Loyalty Programs

Personalization is a powerful tool in enhancing customer loyalty and satisfaction, and Digital Humans excel in this area through the use of biometrics and loyalty programs. By recognizing returning customers through facial recognition or loyalty cards, Digital Humans can tailor interactions based on individual preferences and purchase history.

For instance, a regular customer at a coffee shop may be greeted by the Digital Human with personalized recommendations based on their previous orders. If the customer prefers a particular type of coffee or has dietary restrictions, the Digital Human can suggest suitable options and even remember their usual customization preferences. This level of personalization creates a more engaging and satisfying experience, encouraging repeat visits and fostering customer loyalty.

Extending the Digital Human Experience Online

The benefits of AI-enabled Digital Humans extend beyond physical retail spaces. By integrating with online ordering platforms such as Grab Food or Uber Eats, the same Digital Human that serves customers in-store can also assist them online. This continuity ensures a consistent and familiar experience across different channels.

For example, a customer who frequently orders from a restaurant may interact with the same Digital Human both in-store and online. The Digital Human can remember the customer’s preferences, recommend favorite dishes, and provide real-time updates on order status. This seamless integration between offline and online experiences enhances convenience and reinforces the customer’s connection to the brand.

Impact on Small and Medium-Sized Businesses

For SMBs, the adoption of AI-enabled Digital Humans offers numerous benefits, including cost savings, operational efficiency, and enhanced customer engagement. Here are some ways SMBs can leverage this technology:

Cost Savings:

By automating tasks such as order processing and customer service, Digital Humans can reduce labor costs. SMBs can allocate resources more efficiently, focusing on areas that require human creativity and expertise.

Operational Efficiency:

Digital Humans streamline operations by integrating with kitchen and payment systems, reducing errors, and speeding up service. This efficiency translates to shorter wait times and higher customer satisfaction.

Enhanced Customer Engagement:

Personalization and multilingual capabilities ensure that customers feel valued and understood. By providing a tailored and inclusive experience, SMBs can build stronger relationships with their customers.


Digital Humans can easily scale to meet the demands of growing businesses. Whether expanding to new locations or increasing online presence, Digital Humans provide consistent service without the need for extensive training or additional staffing.

The future of retail lies in the seamless integration of technology that enhances customer experiences while improving operational efficiency. AI-enabled Digital Humans embody this vision by providing multilingual communication, assisting visually impaired customers, integrating with kitchen and payment systems, and offering personalized interactions through biometrics and loyalty programs. For SMBs, embracing this technology represents a strategic move to save costs, drive efficiency, and create impactful customer experiences. As we move forward, the role of Digital Humans in retail will undoubtedly expand, setting new standards for innovation and customer service in the industry.



Daniel CF Ng

A dynamic Business of Marketing experienced professional intending to transform yesteryear’s model to meet today’s demands