Does the Apple Watch Cause Cancer?

Dan Brian
3 min readApr 17, 2023

Let’s settle this once and for all.

I love the Apple Watch. I wore the 2nd generation for years.

But later on, I stopped. Not because I think it causes cancer, but because my husband does. To be honest, I just couldn’t take the constant guilt trip.

“Why would you radiate yourself?”

To be clear, there’s nothing bad about exercising caution when it comes to radiation, and I appreciate my husband’s concern.

Further, there’s no question that radiation—certain types and levels—can cause cancer. And in the 21st century, radiation is literally everywhere—it emanates from the smartphones we carry and the headphones we wear, the laptops we type on and the power lines crisscrossing our neighborhoods.

Everywhere you go, your cells are being bombarded by constant radiation.

But what about the Apple Watch?

Let’s set aside the “we’re all gonna die” alarmism and dig into what the research actually says.

The freakout

A lot of the “does it or doesn’t it” speculation about possibly cancer-causing Apple Watches was kickstarted by a 2015 article in The New York Times.

People freaked the f*** out.

The reaction to the 2015 NYT article.



Dan Brian

Entrepreneur and problem-solver. Husband to a Type A personality who calls me “patient.” Big fan of Wendell Berry.