Gyoza in a Dark Forest of Ethereum

Daniel Degen
5 min readNov 26, 2022


How to navigate yourself in a world full of bots and snipers? How to spot new coin launch ahead of the crowd? Listen to Gyoza.

Dear Anon,
you found this project because you took the red pill and followed the rabbit down the hole and discovered the Dark Forest of Ethereum.

(Samczsun story about Escaping the Dark Forest is a must for anyone using Ethereum as well as the original by Dan Robinson and Georgios Konstantopoulos

Have you already lost your mind deep diving into the ocean of transactions, inspecting interactions with smart contracts, analyzing wallets and looking into the charts in order to find the desired gem? You know you are very close from breaking the pattern but something is still missing? You are not alone — and Gyoza is here to help you.

What problem does Gyoza actually solve?

Gyoza saves you time. Market cap of a project can change by millions in a matter of few minutes. By the time your favorite x100 gem hunter is going to post about his new hot pick and you press the buy button on Uniswap you might be already exit liquidity for others. With Gyoza you can be ahead of the crowd. You can follow profitable wallets and avoid heavily botted tokens.

,,What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad”

Example of GT1 (Gyoza Tier 1 bot) spotting a new UNI-V2 token launch

Follow the money — follow Gyoza

Crypto market is a zero-sum game. Someone have to lose in order for someone else to win. Zero added value — only transfer of wealth from dumb hands to smart hands. How do you success in this PvP game? Get the highest % of circulation supply of the token before everyone else will jump in. How to make it and don't get killed by monsters of Dark Forest?

Follow the money. The only thing that really matters in this game is the flow of money. If you are able to track it then you have a chance to spot the next thing. This is the reason why tools like DefiLlama, Nansen and Messari were brought to life. The problem is that there are thousands of people trying to be early in the next Shiba just like you. For that reason Ethereum is flooded with bots hungry for any profitable opportunity and that’s where Gyoza comes in hand.

This cute little Japanese dumpling is here to navigate you through the dark forest of Ethereum. Don't expect a magic crystal ball that will tell you what to do — rather a very patient listener to Ethereum mempool that analyzes all transactions and cherry-picks certain activity.

What is the best sauce to combine with Gyoza?

Ask this question in Gyoza Telegram channel and you will be surprised by the answers… ok, but seriously — how does it work?

GT1 (Gyoza Tier 1 Bot) tracks all open-trading transactions on UNI-V2 pairs which means you can be the first one to spot early launches of new coins. It also tracks buying activity of sniping bots, multiwallet orders, liquidity changes in UNI-V2 pairs and copytrader activity directly from the mempool 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. No days off. Everything is being reported in Tier 1 Telegram channel.

Then there is GWA (Gyoza Wallet Analyzer) which calculates how profitable a certain wallet is from the total transacted amount including gas fees. Unrealized gains or loses are not accounted at the time of writing.

The most profitable wallets are then tracked by GALHUBOT (Gyoza Alpha Hunter Bot) and their on-chain activity is reported to Tier 2 and Tier 3 channels. Gyoza also initially predefined 300 wallets which were being tracked by the Dev and are considered as a smart money. GALHUBOT is basically tracker of the most profitable wallets.

All GALHUBOT reports are including details about each trade, win-rate of each wallet, contract addresses, amount of tokens the wallet purchased and current marketcap of the token that is being purchased.

Main difference between Tier 2 and Tier 3 is the amount of data provided and also 45 seconds delay (Tier 3 gets information 45 seconds ahead of Tier 2).

The best sauce for Gyoza is balanced combination of Soya sauce and Wasabi (Soya — red, Wasabi — green)

How many $GYOZA do you need for each Tier?

Tier 1 — 0,1% of circulating supply.

Tier 2 — 0,5% of circulating supply.

Tier 3 — 1% of circulating supply.

The total supply of Gyoza is tokens.

Worth to mention is also innovative model of tokenomics.

Gyoza has anti-dumping tax. If the price impact of the transaction is greater than 1,5% then minimum 15% tax is applied. The contract also automatically detects bots and snipers and for such case a minimum tax of 30% is applied. Otherwise tax of 2% for both buy/sell is applied.

The token is also being used for voting in Snapshot decisions (last two were regarding anti-dumping tax and the transfer window).

Future of Gyoza?

The project has been launched on 2nd of November 2022 which is only 23 days at the time of writing. Since then the developer already published two of the main tools to test. Planned launch of all tools is scheduled before the end of the year.

Since the beginning the dev has been very open and communicative about his vision and goals. All questions by newcomers are being answered in a positive and constructive way. The dev is not promising a breakthrough technology or not calling for moon — he is building a set of tools that will help people to become more successful in this space — shaped by the community.

It is one of the humble examples of underpromising and overdelivering.

Everyone in the community is patient and supportive. The community is very civilized and majority of active members understand the current condition of market and the possible utility that Gyoza will bring when the market sentiment will change. No moon-boys and wen-marketing people spotted.

Dip zone incoming


