The 21 Best Designed App Landing Pages of 2015

And 6 Reasons Why They Are Effective

Daniel Eckler
The Startup
6 min readJun 25, 2015


Mobile is the dominant computing platform of this generation, but plenty of people still discover and download apps from traditional websites.

Since the launch of the app store, we’ve seen countless posts on the topic of landing page inspiration and optimization that commonly tout the obvious: showcase a benefit; establish a clear call to action; place a download button above the fold, etc.

In 2015, these patterns have solidified and continued to evolve. See some of the best designed app landing pages of the year below.

Bonus: See the 21 Best Designed Apps of 2015.


(Single Non-Scrolling Page)

Operator is the best example of 2015’s big shift to non-scrolling landing pages.

It’s extremely difficult to introduce an app, articulate its value, and offer it for download on a single page while maintaining visual clarity. Operator does an incredible job of all three, with room to spare for header and footer links. A friendly emoji even welcomes visitors to the app’s waiting list.


(App Preview)

Previewing an app’s capabilities is an important feature of today’s landing pages, many of which integrate demonstration videos. Mylo has done the best job this year, implementing an auto-play feature along with a narrator (defaulted to mute), which clearly details the app’s value.

Following the splash, Mylo introduces visitors to its app, brand, and values with fashionable fullscreen photography, highlighting the company’s philosophy of simple living.

Disclaimer: I’m the founder of Mylo.


(Live App Demo)

Swifty takes in-app demonstrations to another level this year with a live demo that encourages users to test the app on their landing page.

If you interact with the demo, you receive your first one minute lesson, followed by another trend that has emerged this year: the replacement of “Download on the App Store” with “Get the App”, mirroring the App Store’s recent shift in language.

Facebook Moments


Explainer videos are nothing new on landing pages, but the production value of the Moments video, and its completely seamless integration into the browser, certainly is.

The player is completely embedded into the browser, and the video’s first screen matches the landing page, which enables the Moments site to transition seamlessly from browser to video. The video is clear, well animated, and unique, explaining the value of the app while barely showcasing it.

Facebook Messenger

(Cross Platform)

Increasingly, mobile apps are becoming more than just mobile apps: they’re becoming single pieces of a cross-platform strategy that encourages users to connect on any device with transferable data and a consistent experience.

In addition to showcasing their ubiquity across phones, Messenger includes a laptop view of the app in the background, making it clear that Messenger is a cross-platform app that can be used anywhere. Add an integration that retains your Facebook login and greets you by name rather than asking you to Sign In (not pictured above) and you’ve got a messaging app that feels like it will follow you anywhere.


(Rich Media)

With their compelling single page narrative following a users app experience, Trippeo is 2015’s best landing page for interactive design, rich media integration, and digital advertising.

The site is well realized with a smooth, animated flow, a subtle (but effective) use of video, and a clear value proposition told through a simple story. It’s questionable, however, if sites like this convert. Either way, it’s a pleasure to browse through.

15 More Inspiring Landing Pages

Thanks for having a look at the previous six landing pages and the 2015 trends they highlight. See below for 15 more inspiring pages, and don’t forget to check out the 21 Best Designed Apps of 2015 and follow me on Twitter.

If I missed anything, let me know in the comments and I’ll update the post periodically or write another piece at the end of the year.

If you enjoyed reading this article, please hit the ♥ button in the footer so that more people can appreciate great design!

Hi, I’m Daniel. I’ve founded a few companies including Piccsy (acq. 2014) and EveryGuyed (acq. 2011). I am currently open to new career and consulting opportunities. Get in touch via email.














Urban Walks



If you enjoyed reading this article, please hit the ♥ button in the footer so that more people can appreciate great design!

Hi, I’m Daniel. I’ve founded a few companies including Piccsy (acq. 2014) and EveryGuyed (acq. 2011). I am currently open to new career and consulting opportunities. Get in touch via email.

You May Also Like: Design for Humanity

An interactive essay I wrote exploring the past, present, and future of anthropomorphic design. Also available as a talk for conferences, events, etc.

