BERNIEPALOOZA: Come To Massachusetts Next Weekend To Make A Revolution

Daniel Ezra Moraff
2 min readFeb 21, 2020


A music and canvassing festival — the first of its kind.

The Democratic primary may well pivot on Massachusetts.

A surprise victory in Massachusetts would fundamentally alter the dynamics of the campaign, handing Bernie a surprise victory. He leads in a recent poll — by a single point.

You will never be needed this badly as you are, right now, in Massachusetts. Building a new world is a long slog that takes the labors of millions but in this moment, a few thousand heroes can win Massachusetts and rocket Bernie Sanders to the nomination. All you have to do is commit every second your free time to the Sanders campaign.

We all have a minimum amount of hours that we have to spend on day-to-day life: family, cleaning, working, shitting, sleeping (the “big five”). Then there are the other hours — their “free” hours. There are about 1,000 people giving all of their free hours, ranging from 1 to well over 70. If we had, say, a few more thousand, Bernie would rocket to victory. The dynamics of the race would shift fundamentally. A revolution would once again pivot on Massachusetts.

In the industrial city of Worcester, Massachusetts — the second largest city in New England — you are awaited.

BERNIEPALOOZA is a four day festival of music and doorknocking.

Featuring twenty local acts and miles upon miles of turf, the epicenter of the multiracial working class in Massachusetts becomes home to a unique event in this country’s political history.

Take a day, or two, or four, and immerse yourself.

Don’t be a spectator.

Come to Massachusetts — and move the Second American Revolution forward.


Daniel Moraff is the Massachusetts field director for Bernie Sanders and can be reached at The views expressed here are solely of the bylined author.

