The Beautiful Leaders Without Mercy

Daniel Fuller
2 min readFeb 27, 2024


The Harbingers of Mercy

As the world watches the slaughter of innocents

The leader Netanyahu proclaims his innocence

And the leaders in the West don’t even have the sense

To distance themselves from the consequence

The leader of Ukraine, the “hero” Zelensky

Cancels elections for the presidency

And the leaders in the West have no hesitancy

And decry accusations of a lack of consistency

Meanwhile Trudeau shut down a protest

Based on the workers resisting his manifest

Destiny of citizens submitting to drug tests

Calling them all disgusting and racist

While in the U.S., Biden and the Democrats

All shill for donors, the billionaire plutocrats

While innocents are murdered, bodies left for the rats

Excused by those leaders whose brains are like automats

The Houthis in Yemen put their mouths where their money’s at

While the “civilized” Western world complains they’re all pirates

The South Africans bring accusations all backed by fact

But Western leaders make excuses and hide from the compromat

And I’m supposed to believe that Trump is the problem?

When all Western leaders spew nothing but pablum?

All our “beautiful leaders” need cleansing from the bottom

On up to the top, where the real evil’s got ‘em

It’s the so-called military industrial complex

Named by a leader who experienced its effects

False identities hide those who slit innocent necks

And relationships worse than those in “Oedipus Rex”

