The Haikopalypse

Daniel Fuller
Jan 23, 2024


A Dead Child in Palestine

The small body dwarfed

By the hollow gray shelter

You call it justice

Fighting Genocide

Boats on the Red Sea

Struck by Yemeni fighters

I call this justice

Next Steps

Hatred of others

Continued escalation

Where will this take us?

The Powerful

Safe in offices

Decisions are made for us

Regardless of life

Send More Bombs!

Weapons are needed

The market’s maw dictates it


Useful Idiots

Don’t show the murder

Don’t discuss those bombs we sent

Just blame citizens

Who’s In Control?

The holy fervor

Craving the apocalypse

Fingers on buttons

The End.

A moment of truth

The final solution made

Hallelujah Lord!

Nuclear Winter

A wind blows across

Moving nothing on dead ground

Ash blankets it all

