Pop out shared Teams content in separate window

Daniel Glenn
REgarding 365
Published in
2 min readJul 18, 2022

Arrange your meeting content and people to suit the way you work. Pop shared content out to its own window. Move it to a second monitor and move the video gallery below your webcam. Great for viewing large, shared desktops and detailed content.

This week on the 365 Message Center Show

In this week’s show:

— Pop Out Shared Content into a Separate Window
— Configuration Change: Disabling auto provisioning of Wiki with new channel creation MC399867
— Microsoft Teams: External Access Chat Invitation Flow for Managed Organizations MC400204
— Microsoft Teams and Forms: Ranking Poll MC400205
— Microsoft Teams: Usability Improvements to In-Meeting Notifications MC400206
— Recent Changes to Word, Excel, and PowerPoint integration in Teams MC400957
— Record a New Video on the Stream Start Page in Office Web MC400977

Join Daniel Glenn and Darrell as a Service Webster as they cover the latest messages in the Microsoft 365 Message Center.

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Daniel — https://www.youtube.com/DanielGlenn
Darrell — https://www.youtube.com/modernworkmentor

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Originally published at Daniel Glenn.

