Video creation Office Mobile, Self-Service trials Project Visio

Daniel Glenn
REgarding 365
Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2021

Time to take Microsoft 365 video creation to the next level. Soon you will be able to create videos from Office mobile to tell your work stories. I wonder where those will surface… Viva Connections perhaps?
This will be our last show for 2021. Daniel and Darrell will be back on January 10/11 with episode 225.

This week on the 365 Message Center Show

In this episode:

  • Queue view in Microsoft Teams Bookings app — MC305098
  • Create videos on Office Mobile — MC305100
  • Change to Microsoft Teams apps’ native permission in the browser — MC305426
  • Roaming Signatures in Outlook for Windows delayed — MC305463
  • Self-service trials for Project and Visio
  • Microsoft Teams Android app is now available (emergency calling) — MC306109

Join Daniel Glenn and Darrell as a Service Webster as they cover the latest messages in the Microsoft 365 Message Center.

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Originally published at Daniel Glenn.

