The Future of Wearable Technology: The Rise of Smart Clothing

Daniel Goldraij
6 min readMar 3, 2023


As technology advances rapidly, wearable technology has become increasingly popular in recent years.

From fitness trackers to smartwatches, wearable technology has revolutionized how we track and monitor our health and fitness. However, the next big thing in wearable technology may be bright clothing.

What is Smart Clothing?

Bright clothing, also known as e-textiles, is a new and exciting development in wearable technology. It involves integrating electronic components, such as sensors and microchips, into clothing and fabrics to create garments that can monitor and measure various health and fitness metrics.

This technology can be used for various applications, including fitness tracking, medical monitoring, and fashion.

Examples of Smart Clothing

Several examples of intelligent clothing are already available on the market today. One famous example is the Hexoskin smart shirt, designed for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

The shirt contains several sensors that measure heart rate, breathing rate, and activity levels. These can be tracked and monitored through an accompanying app.

<h3 id=”Hexosin” style=”color: red; font-weight: bold;”>Hexosin</h3>

Hexoskin is a company specializing in wearable health technology. Its brilliant shirts track a range of physiological metrics.

These shirts are designed to monitor various health parameters through integrated sensors, and the data collected can be used for both fitness and medical purposes. Here’s a brief overview of the critical aspects of Hexoskin:

Key Features of Hexoskin

Wearable Technology: Hexoskin’s main product is a smart shirt with embedded sensors in the fabric. This allows users to monitor their health metrics continuously without additional equipment.

Health Monitoring: The smart shirt tracks various health parameters such as heart rate, breathing rate, and activity levels. This data can be used to assess overall fitness, detect potential health issues, or monitor chronic conditions.

Data Integration: The collected data is synced with a companion app or software, where users can view and analyze their metrics. This integration helps users understand their health trends and make informed decisions about their wellness.

Comfort and Design: The shirts are designed to be comfortable for daily wear, and the technology is seamlessly integrated into the fabric so as not to hinder movement.

Applications: Hexoskin’s technology is helpful for various applications, including sports performance tracking, remote patient monitoring, and research studies. It can help athletes optimize their training, and individuals manage their health conditions more effectively.

Privacy and Security: Hexoskin places emphasis on the privacy and security of user data. The data collected is typically encrypted and can be shared with healthcare providers or used for personal analysis, depending on the user’s preferences.

Example Use Cases

Athletes: Tracking performance metrics to optimize training and recovery.
Patients with Chronic Conditions: Monitoring vital signs to manage conditions such as cardiovascular disease or respiratory issues.
Research: Collecting data for clinical studies and health research.

Hexoskin in the Market

Hexoskin is one of several companies in the wearable tech industry focusing on health monitoring. It competes with other wearable devices like fitness trackers and smartwatches. Still, its unique selling point is the continuous, detailed health data provided by integrating sensors into everyday clothing.

<h3 id=”Owlet Smart Sock” style=”color: red; font-weight: bold;”>Owlet Smart Sock</h3>

Another example is the Owlet Smart Sock, designed for infants and young children. The sock contains a sensor that can monitor a child’s heart rate and oxygen levels while they sleep, alerting parents of any issues.

The Owlet Smart Sock is a wearable device designed to monitor the health and well-being of infants, providing peace of mind to parents and caregivers. Here’s a detailed overview of the Owlet Smart Sock:

Key Features of the Owlet Smart Sock

Health Monitoring: The Owlet Smart Sock tracks a baby’s heart rate and oxygen levels using pulse oximetry technology. The sock is equipped with sensors that continuously measure these vital signs.

Real-Time Alerts: Parents receive real-time smartphone alerts if the sock detects irregularities in the baby’s heart rate or oxygen levels. These notifications help parents take timely action if necessary.

Comfort and Fit: The sock is designed to be soft and comfortable for the baby and is made from breathable fabric. It is available in different sizes to fit infants as they grow.

Smartphone Integration: The Owlet Smart Sock pairs with a companion app for iOS and Android devices. The app provides a comprehensive overview of the baby’s health metrics and historical data.

Safe and Reliable: The device is intended to provide an additional layer of safety. It is not a medical device but aims to reassure parents by monitoring essential health indicators.

Charging and Battery Life: The sock has a charging base that is a secure location for it when it’s not in use. The sock's battery life is designed to last through the night, reducing the need for frequent recharging.

Nightlight and Base Station: The Owlet system includes a base station that glows green when everything is normal, offering visual reassurance to parents. It also has a nightlight feature to help soothe the baby.

How It Works

  • Sensor Technology: The sock contains a pulse oximeter that measures the baby’s oxygen levels and heart rate. These measurements are transmitted wirelessly to the base station and the smartphone app.
  • Alerts: If the sock detects any anomalies, such as a drop in oxygen levels or irregular heart rate, it sends an alert to the parent’s phone. The base station also emits a sound and light alert if there’s an issue.
  • Data Tracking: The app tracks and records health data over time, allowing parents to monitor trends and review historical information.


  • Peace of Mind: Reassures parents by monitoring crucial health metrics and sending real-time alerts.
  • Early Detection: It helps identify potential health issues early, although it’s not a substitute for professional medical care.
  • Ease of Use: Simple to set up and use, with an intuitive app interface for monitoring.


  • Not a Medical Device: It’s designed to support parents and should not replace professional medical advice or intervention.
  • Price: The Owlet Smart Sock is a premium product, and its cost might be a consideration for some families.

Benefits of Smart Clothing

Intelligent clothing has the potential to revolutionize the way we track and monitor our health and fitness.

One of the main benefits of this technology is that it allows for continuous monitoring without the need for bulky devices or equipment.

For example, an intelligent shirt can provide real-time feedback on an athlete’s performance without needing a separate heart rate monitor or activity tracker.

Another benefit of bright clothing is that it can provide more accurate measurements than traditional devices.

For example, a sensor embedded in a shirt can provide a more accurate reading of heart rate and breathing rate than a wrist-based tracker, which can be affected by motion and other factors.

Challenges and Future Developments

While smart clothing is an exciting development in wearable technology, some challenges remain.

One of the main challenges is integrating electronic components into fabrics and clothing, which can be difficult to achieve without compromising the garment's comfort and flexibility.

Another challenge is the cost of intelligent clothing. Currently, most smart clothing is relatively expensive compared to traditional clothing, which may limit its appeal to mainstream consumers.

However, as technology continues to advance, these challenges will likely be addressed, and smart clothing will become more accessible and affordable.

In the future, we may see the development of smart clothing that can be customized to individual needs and preferences, allowing for a truly personalized approach to health and fitness tracking.


Smart clothing is an exciting development in wearable technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we track and monitor our health and fitness. While there are still some challenges to be addressed, the benefits of this technology are clear.

As we continue to push the boundaries of technology, we can expect to see even more exciting developments in smart clothing in the coming years.



Daniel Goldraij

My name is Dany. I am a Business Consultant who helps small companies succeed in the business world. I am a Fitness Enthusiast who Loves Being Healthy and Fit