Daniel Gonzalez
3 min readSep 19, 2022
  • What did you do this past week?

Last week was actually pretty insane, so statistically the most birthdays occur in september and in my case that is very true becuase i had 4 birthdays happen in the past week. It was a lot of celebration and i was so happy to be a part of it all. It was a very fun week and i did little homework sadly haha.

  • What’s in your way?

ive been behind in my lectures for data retrival. Tomorrow i need to and i must catch up on those classes. I am reaching a critical point and i must address the issue before it becomes a huge issue. Luckily i still believe i have a good grasp on the situation.

  • What will you do next week?

next week i plan to catch up in my data retrival class i need to watch all the lectures ive missed out on. I also need to get up earlier to actually attend the class. In order to do that i actually need to go to bed early. That has been a huge challenge for me and i dont know how but i need to address that issue. Its also become this huge thing for me. I am sleep depriving myself. To the point where i physically am feeling affected by it and its making it hard for me to stay alert and awake in my classes.

  • What did you think of Paper #4: Pair Programming?

I think it is a wonderful aritcle. Super insightful and i think its an important read that all rising and learning programmers should go through and learn. Pair programming should increase code reliability as long in my opinion bring you closer to your peers.

  • What was your experience of StrCmp, pointers, references? (this question will vary, week to week)

If i am being honest my memory is failing to recall what we were talking about relating to strcmp. BUT the lectures about references and pointers was actually very nice and refreshed a good poriton of my memory and honestly one of the main concepts that were important to operating systems.

  • What made you happy this week?

Once again i dont think this answer will change much unless i get a really good grade on a project or test lol but my friends! they are awesome, i was happy to be a part of their birthday celebrations this week and for the endless laughs and giggles that they cause me to do. Also my family for being supportive of me every day. Also thankful for my peers and professors for caring about us! and working to provide us with the best eduation.

  • What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

tip of the week, please always make up your late stuff on the same week that it was due. Piling up work and un watched classes is such an easy way to fail fast lol.

Daniel Gonzalez

Native Austinite. Computer Scientist.