Honestly, You Need to Understand How My Life Changed After đź“š Reading đź“š Gary Vee

Daniel González
4 min readJul 17, 2018


“A man reads a book at a cafe in Bangkok while drinking coffee out of a mug” by rawpixel on Unsplash

As everyone knows, I am a book devourer.

I read a book per week đź“šđź“šđź“š

Today I finished reading the book “Crushing It” by Gary Vaynerchuk

It is the first book I read about him.

I never thought I liked it that much.

In fact, at first I hated the book.

I thought Gary Vee was a person who only knew how to do media shows. That he lived from entertainment on the Internet. That he exaggerated everything he did.

However, after reading the book I found the meaning.

Gary Vee started telling me ideas that were already related to my ideas.

I always had this thought:

In the years that I have been innovating. I realized that the most important thing was always to have a list of people who saw my project.

It is useless to develop a web page if nobody is going to see it.

It is useless to offer services in Fiverr if nobody will see it.

It’s no use selling shirts if I don’t have any buyers.

In the end, everything is about having a database that buys the services you offer.

In short, the most important thing is to develop our personal brand.

And those are the ideas that Gary Vee taught me.👆👆👆👆👆

While reading the book, I remembered how I failed in each of my projects. “Foolish” failures that arose because nobody saw what I was doing.

And the best of all:

At the end of each chapter of the book, you will get examples of people triumphing in social networks. People that you can search on instagram or twitter. People who can investigate and discover that what the book says is true.

Simply the book is amazing.

However, I take the trouble to write the 4 most important ideas in the book.

1) Developing your personal brand is everything.

Even if you are a dentist, you need to develop your personal brand. Your online presence is what will increase your income.

Making yourself known is essential to develop any project.

With only one hour a day for a month, you’ll see that you can do great things.

2) You must learn to use each of the social networks

Gary Vee says that social networks aren’t forever. New social networks emerge every day and we must explore them

Our duty is to be in all.

We will never know when the next instagram will come out. So when that happens, we must become the pioneers of the platform.

Don’t be afraid to invest time on a platform that may die soon. The skills you develop in them will help you position yourself on other platforms.

That’s why Gary Vee has accounts on all platforms and provides unique content and value in each of them.

Even Gary is in musical.ly

3) Do your shit

No matter how many ideas you have, nothing will happen if you don’t know what you are doing. If you don’t expose yourself to the public. If you don’t bring to light that talent you have.

In the words of Gary Vee, get your shit out.

Every human being has a skill that makes it unique and special.

That’s the skill you have to show the audience.

That is the skill that will make you gain more followers.

That is the skill that will increase your income.

However, knowing what that skill is doesn’t guarantee your success.

Constant work is the only thing that does. You will have to work several hours a day for years to achieve success.

4) Success in social networks takes time.

In each of the examples in the book, we see people who spent years on the platform until they were successful.

I repeat: it was years, not months.

Success in social networks is slow.

The moment you decide to develop your personal brand. You have to be aware that they are long-term objectives.

Don’t expect to get 100k of followers on Instagram in your first year on the platform.

That won’t happen

It’s better to have realistic goals than being excited throughout the year.

In my case, my goal is to get 10k of ORGANIC followers in 6 months.

What can I do now?

I recommend this book to each of the people who are getting involved in social networks.

Better said, I recommend this book to everyone.

Whatever you do, you need to develop your personal brand. Your success depends on it.

So start documenting your life.

and finally, I leave you other articles that I have written recommending books👇👇👇



Daniel González

I left COLLEGE because I had no MONEY. Now I'm a BARTENDER and I write about how an ECOLOGICAL and SUSTAINABLE BAR would be.