NPP — no political party confusion

Daniel Hofstein
3 min readAug 9, 2018


I have been trying to get the state to write out ‘no political party’ on the ballot next to my name. Preferably there would be nothing next to my name — as I am unaffiliated with any party — but state law (written by our legislature that hasn’t had an independent elected since the 1960’s) states “NRS 293.267 3a) Immediately following the name of each candidate for a partisan office must appear the name or abbreviation of his or her political party, the words “no political party” or the abbreviation “NPP,””

Naturally, I asked them to write out ‘no political party’ next to my name. Here is a message to my friend directly after when I was a bit more heated than I am now.

That person is Joe Gloria — the person in charge as the Clark County Registrar of Voters.

Of course, I argue DEMOCRACY — and making as little confusion as possible. Not to mention the at least six different ways us nonpartisan/independent/no party affiliation/no political party/no political affiliation/NPP appear throughout NV Government websites and forms.

The most frustrating part is that he would not send me an email confirming in written communication what he told me. I pressed him and he will not do it. He said anyone can call.

We discussed all of this, and to be fair, I am sure Joe is doing what he thinks is simplest. Yes, changing that will make the ballot longer, and therefore cost slightly more money (though our primaries that are funded by the taxpayer and independents…or however we are referred to… cost WAY more and I am not even allowed to participate in a massive part of them). Yes, that means extra work for his team. Yes, it has been done this way for many years. BUT — an independent has not been elected in Clark County since 1918. And not anywhere in the legislature since the 1960’s.

Here are some of the emails I did send…

If you are concerned, please pick up the phone and give Joe a call. 702–455–2846. Or call Rebecca at the Secretary of State. 775–684–5705.

It is only fair to say that Joe was nice and respectful. While we disagreed on the importance of this, he did hear me out, and said that he will discuss the various ways we independents appear throughout the government websites, how we are different on voter registration forms from how we appear on the ballot, etc.

I want to lead a campaign based on education for our state — because that is by far the most important issue affecting us. It is sad that ‘NPP’ seems to have been crafted and written into law purposely to confuse people, to ensure that only someone within the two-parties makes it to the capitol.


Daniel Hofstein (the only “NPP” running in the entire state of Nevada for our legislature)



Daniel Hofstein

Candidate for NV Assembly. Patented inventor, published author, former: casino pit boss, Realtor, ax-throwing range owner, teacher, and more