BIG Mistakes SMALL YouTubers STILL MAKE!

Daniel Peters
2 min readMar 1, 2024


Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

Imagine yourself as a lone pea in a vast freezer aisle; obscure and unnoticed unless someone points directly at you. That's precisely the struggle many small creators face on YouTube – visibility. Every glance at a thumbnail counts as an impression, a fleeting opportunity to entice a viewer into your world. However, as a small creator, you confront two formidable adversaries: the YouTube algorithm and audience indifference.

Thumbnail and Title

The thumbnail and title duo. Often overlooked or hastily assembled, they are your ticket to the viewer’s attention. Don’t fall into the trap of underestimating their significance. Invest time and effort wisely:

Devote time: Double your effort on the next five thumbnails, spending at least twice the duration you usually would.

Simplicity reigns: Complexity can obscure your message. Simplify your thumbnails; convey your story succinctly.

Preemptive creation: Challenge convention by crafting your thumbnail and title before diving into content creation. Surprising, isn’t it?

Cracking the Code

Studies reveal that viewers spend mere seconds scrutinizing thumbnails, making swift judgments. Complexity delays comprehension; simplicity ensures clarity. Understand why one thumbnail captivates over another, and you're halfway to mastery.

Titles, on the other hand, complement rather than duplicate your thumbnail's message. Intrigue and specificity lure viewers, enticing them to delve deeper into your content. An enticing mystery beckons – will YouTube gift 50 subscribers? The title tantalizes, urging viewers to unravel the mystery within.


Ah, the elusive engagement! The true measure of success lies not in click-through rates but in retaining viewers beyond the initial seconds. The dreaded hockey stick decline in viewership reveals a disconnect between promises and delivery.

Avoiding Engagement Pitfalls

Bid farewell to branded intros: They stall momentum, deterring viewers from your content’s essence.
Delay channel introductions: Let your content speak first; introduce yourself once viewers are vested.
Lure with anticipation:

Tease forthcoming highlights, offering glimpses of what’s to come.

The Golden Rule

In the realm of YouTube, time is your most precious commodity. Invest wisely by front-loading your creative endeavors. Prioritize thumbnail, title, and video beginnings – they wield unparalleled influence over your content's fate.

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The Monumental Subscriber Mistake

A cardinal sin looms over every creator's journey – the relentless pursuit of subscribers. But the true essence lies in captivating and retaining an audience, not merely accumulating numbers.

In conclusion, dear creator, the path to YouTube success is fraught with challenges, yet rife with opportunities. Embrace the art of thumbnail craftsmanship, title wizardry, and captivating beginnings. Only then shall your YouTube odyssey truly flourish amidst the digital expanse.

