Working on Your Lacrosse Skills at Home

Daniel J Mannix
1 min readMay 26, 2020


Daniel J. Mannix is a youth lacrosse coach with over 30 years of experience who has coached many players into spots on NCAA teams. Professionally, Daniel J. Mannix holds an executive-level position at an international probate research firm.

For players who can’t afford to stop practicing when they’re at home, there are some good ways to continue to hone their skills without going on the field. One good practice method is to use a mirror to correct bad habits. Go through your dodges, splits, and rolls facing a mirror and focus on your stick position. Look for ways to make your movements more efficient and improve your game.

You can also practice your shots in your backyard. If you don’t have a goal, you can improvise with cardboard boxes. Focus on practicing the shots you have the most trouble with. In the privacy of your backyard, you don’t have to worry about how well you’re doing and can just concentrate on technique.

Last, you can always work on your stick tricks. Switching hands behind your back, balancing the ball on your sidewall, and other such tricks don’t see too much use in a game, but they can make a difference in the right circumstances.



Daniel J Mannix

Daniel J Mannix currently serves as vice president and chief operations officer for Kemp & Associates.