How Biochemist, Dietitian, and Serial Entrepreneur, Shawn Wells, Made the Most Out of 2020

Richard Arnault
3 min readDec 15, 2020

It’s no secret that this year was a challenging one for every single person on the planet, whether it was a job loss, a personal loss, or just the shock of the restructuring of society. This kind of change happened all-too-quickly for many people, leaving them unprepared and overall overwhelmed at what the future might hold.

As an individual who has already built a platform around being a serial entrepreneur, discovering new markets, ideas, and innovations for clients, Shawn Wells MPH, LDN, RD, CISSN, FISSN, was properly prepared for the 2020 upheaval. In fact, Wells was ready to embrace the change and leverage it in a beneficial way for all of his clients, as well as the 8 businesses he is a partner in today.

Having worked with investors, attorneys, and bankers in the food, beverage and supplement space as the renowned Ingredientologist (scientist of ingredients) and given the industry title of “World’s Greatest Formulator”, Wells has unique experience helping any health-conscious individual to better manage stress and experience higher performance through utilizing holistic solutions. With the world in health and financial free-fall for all of 2020, Wells was ready to provide this scientific-backed information and mindset with all of his clients.



Richard Arnault

23. founder. writing a thing or two on here in my free time.