Design Report — August 2017

Daniel Korpai
4 min readSep 4, 2017


As a UI/UX designer you may be familiar with the feeling when you have so many client work ahead of you that you don’t have time to educate yourself, try out new techniques and experiment with different ideas. On top of that we all know that client work is not always the shiniest thing to showcase around on platforms like Dribbble or UpLabs.

In August I decided to put aside at least 2–3 hours every week to work on my design skills, try out new techniques, plugins, prototyping tools and solve design challenges I’m interested in just for fun and learning purposes.

This article is a collection of my design work created in August 2017 alongside with my favorite design inspirations.

Looper Wallpapers

I’ve found the Looper Sketch plugin in the beginning of August and I immediately felt in love with it. During the experimentation with this new Sketch plugin I created a couple of wallpapers optimized for iPhone devices.

This wallpaper series was later showcased on iDownloadblog as well.

Hero Ideas

These hero ideas were also created with the Sketch Looper plugin as an example usage on a design agency landing page.

Parallel Chat

The Parallel Chat concept was created for the UpLabs Chat Challenge. By the end of the challenge, this concept became the 5th most popular among other submissions.

You can read the detailed brief of the challenge and my solution for it under my Dribbble post if you’re interested.

This concept got featured on Sketch App Sources as well, where more than 1117 people downloaded it until the time of this post.

Edit: Since many readers asked I wrote a more detailed article about the process and ideas behind this concept. You can read it here. 👊

Portfolio WIP

I finished August with redesigning my portfolio, which I’m procrastinating for over a year now.

While it’ll be a personal portfolio website, my goal was to put the visitors’ / potential clients’ needs first and write about what I can do for them, instead of going with the more common “Hi, this is me and here is a picture of me” type of hero sections.

So this will be a challenging task, but I hope I can start working on the code side of this project and make it live as soon as possible.

Top 5 Design Inspirations in August 2017


Amazing book, which I truly recommend for every designer out there.

2. The all-new

I love how Framer thinks about design in general. Their new webpage is pure awesomeness starting from flat, CSS generated mockups until the new subpages and tutorial videos.

3. Concept app for car rental

4. Empty States — Vol 01

5. Card Interactive Demo

Don’t forget to try out the new clap feature of Medium before leaving. ;)

