This or That: New Year’s Challenge

Dani Montage
3 min readJan 6, 2023

Let’s have some fun!

Photo by Pezibear,

This is in response to Brett Jenae Tomlin’s This or That new year’s challenge. If you want give it a try, here’s her post for the rules:

This or That?

  1. Resolutions or No Resolutions? No resolutions for this girl! Not that I’m perfect (not even close! 🤣), I just no longer hold myself to impossible standards that will rob me of real joy.
  2. Mountains or Ocean? Mountains, at least in this stage of my life. Once upon a time as a California Girl, I would’ve answered ocean. Truth be told, the ocean and its vastness scares the crap out of me! I’ll take the mountains, thank you very much!
  3. Fiction or Nonfiction? Fiction, please! It’s the reason I fell in love with reading in the first place as a young child. I love being transported into different worlds where I can see life through the eyes of a pirate captain or a damsel in distress.
  4. Morning or Night? Morning, with a HUGE cup of coffee! Seriously, it’s my only quiet time!
  5. Long or Short? Long… stories…

