Please, stop the Sean Spicer hysteria

Danielle Ryan
3 min readSep 20, 2017


I have a suggestion.

Can we please stop acting like Sean Spicer is the first White House press secretary who ever lied?

Today while watching The View (I know, I know) I actually heard a presenter suggest that the job of the WH press secretary is to “give the truth — to tell the truth to the American people”.

I nearly spat out my drink. (Don’t start watching that show, it will destroy your brain cells.)

I don’t know what level of delusion must be required to believe that the WH press secretary’s job is to tell the truth, but it’s a lot of delusion.

Spicer is back in the news because he made a cameo at the Emmy Awards, poking fun of himself and the time he had to lie about the crowd size at Donald Trump’s inauguration.

And wow, liberals are really mad about it.

Here’s a sampling of a few headlines:

“Don’t believe Sean Spicer: He isn’t sorry for lying to America” — Newsweek

“Hollywood just enabled Sean Spicer and that’s not funny” — CNN

“Sean Spicer at the Emmys: Don’t Make This Guy a Folk Hero” — Daily Beast

“Why did the Emmys help Sean Spicer rebrand?” — CNN (again)

My favourite is CNN calling Hollywood out for “enabling” Spicer, like he’s some kind of drug addict and we should all get together and plan an intervention for his own good.

Because you know, CNN would never “enable” bad behaviour. Like, they’d never glorify America’s wars or constantly spin lies for presidents to help them start new ones.

Reality check: The job of the White House press secretary is to lie and spin events favourably for the sitting president — be that Donald Trump, Barack Obama, George W. Bush or Bill Clinton.

This is not exclusive to the United States. It is the case in every country on earth. In Russia, for example, Dmitry Peskov’s job is to lie for Vladimir Putin.

Does it mean every word they all say is a lie? No, of course not. But it is a huge part of the job. When it is required of them — and it is required often — they lie.

So, why are we acting like Sean Spicer is a special case?

Is it because Trump lies about stupid things, like how many people came to his inauguration? Or that the Boy Scouts think he’s great when they actually don’t? Or that he’s signed more bills than any other president ever? Or that Mexico is going to pay for a wall?

Oh, don’t get me wrong. Spicer lies about plenty of important stuff, too. What I’m asking is, why are we acting like Trump’s spokespeople are some new phenomenon?

I hate to burst the bubble, but we’re not breaking some new ground here. Horrendous, murderous lies have been told at that podium. Lies that have ignited wars and burned nations to the ground.

And yet idiot #ImStillWithHer liberals are calling for Sean Spicer of all people to apologise to Americans.

Please, give us a break.

When are we going to hear them demand apologies from Robert Gibbs, Jay Carney and Josh Earnest? They lied and spun the truth for Obama all the time. Any person with the slightest bit of intellectual honesty and integrity about them knows that’s the truth. I’d really just like to know what the difference between Spicer and these guys is, because it looks to me that the only difference is that Obama was “nice” so his lies don’t matter.

It’s not The West Wing. These people don’t run laps around the White House all day in coffee-stained suits breathlessly trying to figure out how to be as honourable as possible. It’s real life.

Lying press secretaries are not a new thing — liberals just suddenly decided to care about it.

And about the “controversy” over the inauguration crowd size?

Get over it it.

It’s the funniest and least consequential lie that’s ever been told at that podium.


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