Dragon Vow

Danielle Nolan
10 min readMar 26, 2020


Part 5: In which Katie volunteers for an important mission.


“So you see Aunty Nettle. Daddy made a mistake. So did Mummy. Shimmer wasn’t a Diamond Deafener. Shimmer was always Shimmer; just angry.”
“Ah, so that’s what happened,” Nettle replied. Not believing this to be true for a moment, she shot Millicent a look of disapproval across the dinner table. At least Katie’s mother had the decency to look ashamed. She also scored points for being present to face the music. Before Nettle could give Sky a piece of her mind he had insisted upon pulling Xion aside. Nettle assumed it was to apologise for roping him into Katie’s deception, and putting his friend in harm’s way, though he couldn’t be certain. Sky and Azrael had taken flight not long after. As for Xion, he had moved straight into having dragon/rider bonding time with Shimmer. It was left to Millicent and Nettle to settle Katie in, give her a bath, and make sure she was well fed after her journey.

Knock, knock.
Nettle got to her feet, not at all shy about giving whoever was at the door a lecture. Luckily for Xion, he came prepared. Before his angry wife could get a word in he produced a bouquet of roses, as well some flower seeds, clearly purchased from the night market down the road.
“They’re lovely Xi,” Nettle gushed. Then she caught herself and sighed.
“Apologise to Katie for the part that you played, then I will forgive you.”
Xion nodded, then beckoned Katie over. Katie, who had been watching her mysterious uncle with great curiosity anyway, ran right over.

Xion met Katie’s eyes and sincerely bowed his head. He then started making funny gestures with his hands. Katie gasped.
“Are you like Braden? He’s a little drake that lives three houses down from us. His Mum and Dad talk with their hands to him because he doesn’t know how to hear. Do you not know how to…”
Xion shook his head, then lightly tapped his throat.
“Xion’s hearing is just fine,” Nettle explained. “It’s his voice that doesn’t work properly. On one of his first missions as a dragon rider…”
Suddenly, Millicent shot Nettle a look and shook her head. The message within her eyes was clear. Stories about curses, and the evil that was hiding within their world would keep until Katie was older. Xion interrupted the conversation by stretching out his arms like wings, then touching his throat again.
“You can still talk to dragons?” Katie guessed, winning a smile for her correct answer. Next Xion pointed upwards, then placed a hand on his heart.
“Clouds? Stars? Sky!”
Suddenly Katie understood. Sky was her Daddy’s name. Xion was trying to tell her that, despite his mistakes and silly games her Daddy loved her very much.

It was a good thing Katie was feeling warm and tingly, for suddenly the moonlight disappeared. Millicent, Nettle and Katie joined Xion outside, curious as to why it was suddenly so dark. As Katie looked closer she realised that above her was a dragon belly that was black and shiny. From out of the darkness slinked down the neck of an ominious onyx dragon. For once Katie thought twice about saying hello, for he had a mouthful of sharp teeth and spooky, luminescent green eyes. Then, shooting through the blackness were two bolts of colour, one sapphire blue and one pearly white. Saffy and Shimmer weren’t scared. Eagerly they entwined around the onyx. All of the dragons, even the new arrival let out purrs of happiness and contentment.
“That’s Scout,” Millicent said to Katie. “At first glance he looks like a scary dragon, but when you get to know him you’ll see that he is loyal and kind. The same could be said for his rider, Bryn. If he does frighten you, just remember that he works with Daddy. You have nothing to worry about from him, okay?”
As it turned out, Katie was more nervous hearing about how scary Bryn was than when she caught sight of him. While Bryn’s armour was as intimidating as Scout’s scales, and his expression stony, Katie thought that he looked mysterious and heroic; not mean. The part of her that liked excitement and dragons liked Bryn too. She found him fascinating.

Swiftly Bryn dismounted Scout. As the soldier walked forward, the ominous onyx ventured off on his own. After burying his head in a bush covered in sunflowers, he bounded back towards the drake elves with a bouquet in his mouth. Taking a page out of Xion’s book, Scout dropped the sunflowers right at her feet.
Bryn reached Katie a moment later. He bent over to grab the bouquet, then held them out to her.
“Scout wants to make a good first impression,” Bryn explained. “Sadly, most little drakes find him scary and run away before he can say hello. As Sky’s daughter, you are the newest member of our family. Scout’s desperate for you to like him. Please accept these flowers. It would mean the world to him if you stand your ground and give him a chance. ”
Katie took the flowers, gave them a sniff, then smiled.
“Thanks Scout,” she beamed. Without any fear she started giving him a neck rub. Scout broke into a smile, then nuzzled up against Katie’s cheek. Meanwhile. Millicent turned her head towards a dragon shaped silhouette in the distance.
“I knew it,” she exclaimed. “I had a feeling that Sky was flying to fetch Bryn the moment he disappeared. Thank goodness Sky has swallowed his pride. Now we might actually make some progress in teaching our daughter.”

“You’re every bit as brave as your father said,” Bryn marveled, astonishing everybody with a rare smile.
Katie met his eyes, delighted by the compliment.
“Daddy thinks I’m brave?” she grinned.
Bryn nodded.
“And kind, and clever, and somebody who has a wonderful way with dragons.”
Katie smile widened.
“I’m very impressed. It’s wonderful to see such fine qualities in somebody so small. The dragon guard could use a friend like you. Actually, if you are interested, I have a mission in mind which you would be perfect for. What do you say, Katie? Will you help me to save a dragon?”
Before Katie could answer Azrael thudded onto the dirt, quite a bit heavier than his usual landings. Sky hoisted himself off of his dragon and approached them, frowning.
“What’s the deal, Bryn? Why did you and Scout race away like that? Didn’t we agree that we would teach Katie about dragon safety together?”
Bryn gave his subordinate an icy look.
“What’s the deal, Commander Phoenix, don’t you mean?” Bryn corrected. “Really Sky, I thought your manners were better than that.
Katie, who was always being told off by her Daddy for forgetting her manners, giggled. Making the situation even more embarrassing, Scout and Azrael snickered too, blowing rings of smoke out of their nostrils as they laughed.
Sky didn’t find the quip amusing.
“I’ll start showing you some respect, Bryn, once you show me some in return. What have you been saying to Katie?”
Eagerly, Katie decided to share.
“Bryn’s sending me out on a mission to save dragons.”
Like riders tended to do after keeping the company of dragons, Sky let out a growl of disapproval. Bryn held up his hands and attempted to explain that this wasn’t exactly the case.
“Katie isn’t being sent anywhere. I want to assign her a task, that’s all. While there is some rescue work involved, she isn’t going to save a nest full of dragons; only one. As for why I raced away, I had an inkling that you would disapprove and talk her out of it.”
“We were supposed to teach her together,” Sky snapped. “That’s what you agreed.”
“Yes I did,” Bryn acknowledged. “At the time I agree to that because I thought that was our best plan. As we were flying here, I realised that it would never work. Everybody has tried teaching Katie, through logic, patience and through fear, and everybody has failed. If Katie is ever going to learn how to be cautious then she needs to learn from the consequences of her actions. A mission is the best way for her to see this, I promise you.”
In hearing the word ‘consequences’, Azrael started to snarl. Both he and Sky didn’t like the sound of that.
“Millicent, take Katie into the house,” Sky said, knowing that he was about to lose his cool.
“I have a better idea,” announced Nettle, before puckering her lips and whistling. Saffy and Shimmer, who had been playing hide and seek in the clouds ever since Scout’s arrival, stopped their game and touched down in front of their drakes.
“Let’s go stargazing. Katie, you can ride with me and say your hellos to Saffy. Xion and Millicent can follow on Shimmer.”
Nettle helped Katie climb aboard while Xion ran inside to fetch a couple of blankets. Once everybody was boarded and snuggly, Saffy and Shimmer too to the sky. Poor Azrael and Scout looked upwards enviously, for they hated whenever their headstrong riders fought. Thankfully, Katie gazed down and saw the longing in their eyes.
“Come on Azrael. Come on Scout.”
Delighted that Katie had invited them to come along, the dragons launched themselves upwards and joined the stargazing party. Drake elves were such emotional creatures. Bryn and Sky could sort out their issues on their own.

Now that they were alone, Sky was ready to tell Bryn exactly what he thought of his meddling.
“Now listen here, Bryn.”
“Guardian McPhee,” Bryn bellowed, in the same sharp tone he reserved for reckless cadets.
“Did you, or did you not vow when you enlisted within my patrol that you entrusted your life with the brothers and sisters within the guard?”
“I did,” Sky said, hardly seeing why the question was relevant.
“Were you listening when I made my vow to you in return? I swore to do everything that I could keep you, and the dragons under our command, safe. I swore that I would put myself at risk before letting any of you come to harm, even at the risk of my own life. How is it that you can trust me to protect you, but not your daughter. Katie is family, so the same rule applies. I would rather lay down my own life than put her in any danger. Do you understand me?”
Sky swallowed his pride for the second time that evening and nodded.
“Of course I trust you, Bryn. I’m so sorry for ever doubting you.”
As was Bryn’s way, he smiled through his eyes.
“Some progress at last,” he said. “Our relationship is finally on the mend, though I don’t think that it has healed just yet. Now, while we are alone, are you willing to tell me the rest? You’ve been acting strangely towards me for the best part of a year now. What will it take for you to stop avoiding me and for us to be brothers again?”
Sky sighed. Though he hadn’t been conscious of it, he had been distancing himself from Bryn socially. He had worried that if Bryn and Katie were to meet she would take a liking to him. Katie had a tendency to fall in love with elves and creatures that everybody else found frightening. With Bryn’s infectious passion when it came to saving dragons, it was only a matter of time before Katie decided she wanted to follow in his footsteps. Had his caution towards Bryn been foolish? Perhaps his over protectiveness had done more harm than good? Sky knew very well that tonight’s experiment had been a dangerous disaster, and that Katie deserved better than a father who told lies. Lately Sky hadn’t been able to get anything right, especially raising his daughter.

“Forget that I asked,” Bryn said, seeing that Sky was looking pale and overwhelmed. “Not withstanding managing the fire you’ve been on two long distance dragon flights today, plus you have been worrying about Katie non stop for who knows how long now. I’m a father too, Sky. One who has made more than his fair share of mistakes. Does Nettle still grow sprigs of chamomile in her garden? Let me fix you some tea and I will tell you what I have in mind for Katie. I promise that there is zero risk involved and that you will approve of her mission.”

Wearily Sky nodded and led Bryn towards the chamomile.

A short while later, the two of them sat on the back veranda with their teas. Bryn explained his plan. After he was finished, Sky sighed as the weight of his worry vanished completely.
“I’ve been so foolish. I should have come to you from the start. Thank you, brother. I really think that this is going to work.”
“Yes it will,” Bryn agreed. “Katie is such an exceptional girl that I have no doubts whatsoever.”
The two riders sat back and enjoyed the view. Brilliant dragons that were bright blue, purple, pearly white and black were rising and dipping merrily across the sky.

Unexpectedly, Bryn broke the silence.
“You know that I meant every word of it, don’t you Sky? No matter the situation, even if Katie decides to find her own wings one day and join the dragon guard, I will protect her. All of us will, elves and dragons alike. Phoenix Patrol will have both of your backs, always, so you can stop carrying the weight of her future by yourself. Katie is family and all of us will take a share in raising her well and keeping her safe. Place your fears aside and trust in us, please.”
Sky exhaled the last of his stress and worry. This was the reassurance that he had desperately wanted to hear.
“So you did know what was weighing on my mind after all? Why didn’t you say right out instead of asking me what was wrong?”
“I was hoping to hear it from you,” Bryn answered, which led to a moment of silence.
“If it makes you feel any better I only learned the truth tonight. Scout was desperate to know so he finally convinced Azrael to open up on the flight over.”
Sky chuckled.
“Dragons do love to gossip. I can’t say that I’m surprised that he gave me away.”
Bit by bit, Bryn and Sky started healing their friendship underneath the stars. Half an hour later the dragons touched down again. Judging by her yawn Katie was ready for bed.

Sky jumped out of the deck chair and ran towards Katie. He swept her off of Azrael’s back and cuddled her close.
“Right kiddo, I’m all yours. I’m thinking warm milk, snuggling up under blankets, and as many stories and lullabies as you want. I love you, Katie. Tomorrow you and I are going fly over the valley to go dragon spotting and talk. I hope that you’ll forgive me after you learn all of the silly things that I have done.”
Sky’s heart lit up as Katie smiled at him.
“I love you too, Daddy. Didn’t you know?”
She kissed his cheek, then snuggled contentedly into his arms. Warm milk, stories and lullabies awaited her.



Danielle Nolan

Fantasy writer, dragon rider, teacher, musical firefly, otaku, dreamer.