Dragon Vow

Danielle Nolan
7 min readMar 17, 2020

Part 3: In which Katie attempts a daring rescue.


“Bryn!” Millicent laughed in disbelief. “Are you suggesting that Bryn Phoenix teach Katie about dragon safety?”

Nettle had anticipated Millicent’s surprise. While Bryn was exceptional as the leader of Phoenix Patrol he was famous within the Dragon Guard for being orderly, serious and strict. While he was no stranger to being a teacher, Bryn’s pupils were dragon guardians. On the surface Bryn was an intimidating warrior who rarely smiled. He wasn’t the type to show warmth, express his emotions, or be playful, not even towards his only son, Jasper. What Millicent didn’t understand was that Bryn was much more complex than his stony exterior. He was dedicated, wise, a wonderful father, and if you looked close enough to see it, loving and kind.

“Out of the question,” Sky muttered. Nettle’s eyes widened, for she had not anticipated Sky’s hostility.

“Out of the question?” Nettle exclaimed. “Bryn taught us everything that we know about dragons, don’t forget. Did he really do such a poor job with you that you forbid him from teaching your daughter? His mentorship is the reason why you are such an exceptional dragon guardian. Give me one good reason why Bryn is ‘out of the question’ Sky McPhee.”

Sky unclenched his fists. He avoided Nettle’s gaze and let out a weary sigh. Understand…



Danielle Nolan

Fantasy writer, dragon rider, teacher, musical firefly, otaku, dreamer.