Turn Your Freaking Lights On! And Off ~ Your Friendly Neighbourhood Delivery Driver

Danielle Mathieson Pederson
6 min readMar 1, 2020

A PSA for Anyone that Gets Packages Delivered to Their Door (Basically everyone)

Christmas is over. Decorations are mostly coming down — we all have that one guy on the street who’s Christmas lights are always up on the garage or a permanent fake gravestone in their yard — all the holiday songs are long off the radio, the dregs of heart candy are marked to deep clearance and the aisles nearest the exits of grocery stores look like a big pink piñata bunny threw up all over the place. Most of us are still wondering where the heck January went (let alone February)… but even though we’re well into the ‘slow’ season of gifts and packages coming to your door, I gotta ask, do y’all even want your packages? Please allow me, your friendly neighbourhood delivery driver to help you, help me, get your mail to you.

a large pile of assorted boxes in a work van
Photo by 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash

I’m a delivery driver for a company that does a lot of packages. Like a lot. I enjoy my job. I like bringing you your stuff, saying hi to the kids when they want to answer the door, maybe even giving your dog a scratch behind the ears. But here’s the thing, nine times out of ten deliveries go off without a hitch: I can find your address, the numbers are visible, I knock on the door, you answer, I put the envelope or box or…



Danielle Mathieson Pederson

Wife. Author. Mother. Christ is my centre. Book & movie nerd. My mantra? Have courage and be kind. Watch, I’m going to change the world. www.dmpederson.com