If You Ever Want To Have Kids, Don’t Forget This One Rule

One of the most important things to raising a child well

Daniel Mesa
4 min readNov 26, 2022
Image by Freepik

Kids are sweet, little ignorants.

They walk the path of life without caring too much about anything. They paint the walls, poo in random places, and step over the dogs.

Because of this, we treat them as if they were stupid.

We get angry with them, we tell them how they should live, and we put limits on their behavior. All of this is because we love them, obviously.

But maybe, these limitations aren’t doing them any good. Kids live in a much smarter way than us, but we are teaching them how to become dull, follow rules, and be quiet.

Now, the reasons behind the rule will be explained, and then the rule itself will come at the end.

A Truly Alive Human Being

If you take a look at your children, they live in the most intense way possible.

If they are angry, they are angry with all of their (little) power. If they are laughing, they do it until they start crying with joy.

They have a full range of emotions, they are living to 100% of their capabilities. They don’t hold anything back.

