This Guy Did a Test To Prove That Not Anybody Can Be Rich

He said there was one thing that not any other person could do — except him

Daniel Mesa
4 min readNov 21, 2022
Image provided by Theodore C. Marceau

Imagine being so rich that the U.S. government starts investigating you because they think you are cheating. That’s what happened to Andrew Carnegie, a Scottish entrepreneur, in the 1900s.

And no, he wasn’t cheating. But he made so much money in so little time that the government thought that something had to be wrong with him.

When he was asked how he was able to accumulate so much money, he simply said:

  • There’s a test we can do right now. If you pass it, then you can become as rich as me.

The test started.

The Test

Andrew said to everyone: I can keep my attention unwavering on anything for 5 minutes straight. No movement, no distractions, just pure concentration.

Many business leaders and journalists tried to do the test, but they all failed. Their minds were bouncing around the place, so they couldn’t keep their attention.

Because nobody could copy him, they asked: How can I be like you?

Andrew answered their pledges.

How To Be Like Andrew

