Why Nobody Cares About The Spiritual Process (Even When It Can Change Your Life)

The best thing on the planet is portrayed as trash

Daniel Mesa
4 min readSep 15, 2022
Image by the author + DALLE

When I clicked on a random video on YouTube, there was a guy riding a motorcycle in Arabia. Okay, nothing strange.

Then, I realized that the guy was 65 years old. Okay, impressive. Then I realized that the temperature in the place he was riding was 48ºC (118°F). I was already shocked.

Then I realized that the video was only a small part of a 30,000 km route that he was performing.

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After checking his YouTube channel, I had to refresh my eyes. He had more than 10 Million subscribers! That has to be a record for a 65-year-old guy.

After watching a few more videos, I realized that this crazy grandpa with a motorcycle is called Sadhguru. He has followed a spiritual process that has made him touch the ceiling of what a human being can be.

The spiritual process made him superhuman, and now he’s dedicating his life to teaching others how to do the same. He strongly believes that any human being can do what he does!

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