9 Interview Questions Every JavaScript Developer Should Know (And How To Answer Them)

The JavaScript role has evolved in recent years.

Daniel Mihai
7 min readJan 1, 2023
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash


This language is not just for beginners anymore. There are many complex concepts and best practices that have emerged in the last decade, and employers want to see that you understand them when they ask questions like these:

The JavaScript role has evolved.

As you may know, the JavaScript role has evolved. In addition to the traditional web development uses for JavaScript and its frameworks (such as jQuery), it’s also used in other areas such as IoT and mobile applications. You’ll need to be aware of these different roles when answering interview questions about your experience with the language.

If you mention that you’ve worked with JavaScript for years but haven’t been exposed much or at all outside of your current job (if even there), then there’s a good chance that your interviewer will be concerned about whether or not they can trust that claim — or if this is something you’re just saying because it sounds good on paper.

It’s important to highlight any extra experience working with JS beyond front-end user interfaces like HTML5/CSS3 so they know…



Daniel Mihai

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