Daniel Miller
4 min readApr 25, 2023


Technology has become the best friend of the human world. From reading newspapers online to writing computer codes for programs or finding solutions to your queries, the Internet has eased up the normal daily functioning of life. The most visible invention in the world in recent days, ChatGPT has gained so much momentum that this tool has a huge potential shortly. ChatGPT has been so used in daily life that it has attracted the attention of all age groups. ChatGPT provides human responses through texts. Academics, in particular, are among those deeply concerned about ChatGPT’s impact on education. Is this AI model good for the education system? Or will it prove to be the most disastrous attack on students’ thinking and decision-making? Thinking about the impact of ChatGPT, my thoughts went back to the days when the calculating machine was invented — The Calculator. At that time, teachers and parents were very concerned about children memorizing math tables. With the invention of calculators, the need to memorize tables decreased. The concerns caused by starting the calculators have decreased over time.

Then came the disruption called Google Search Engine and Internet Age. This revolution was much scarier than the calculator. There was concern that this search engine could significantly weaken students’ reading and study habits. However, as the Internet revolution spread like wildfire, society evolved to innovations such as smartphones, Kindles, etc. Now comes the era of ChatGPT. For those who are not aware of ChatGPT, let me define it for you.


ChatGPT is an ‘Artificial Intelligence’-based tool and is capable of generating human-like responses. ChatGPT can be used for answering complex questions. In short, while Google Search is focused on helping users find information on the web, ChatGPT provides users with well-researched and articulated human-like responses to their text-based queries. ChatGPT is based on a pre-trained transformer for generating conversation. It is a powerful AI bot that can understand human speech and create comprehensive writings that humans can easily understand. The question-and-answer format used in ChatGPT makes it interesting. One of the most effective impacts of ChatGPT in education is personalized learning. ChatGPT allows students to receive training tailored to their specific needs rather than a one-size-fits-all approach. Unlike traditional learning methods, ChatGPT provides instant feedback to students as they learn. This allows students to change the way they learn in real-time. Let us explore the Advantages and Disadvantages of ChatGPT in the education system.


1. Better learning experience: ChatGPT can provide students with a better learning experience. This can answer questions, give task feedback, and help you solve problems. Moreover, ChatGPT uses a natural language processing (NLP) modal to help students understand complex concepts by breaking them down into shorter pieces of information.

2. Available 24/7: Unlike teachers, ChatGPT is available 24/7, meaning students can access it whenever they need help. This can be especially useful for students with busy schedules or who need help outside of school.

3. Personalized learning: ChatGPT is programmed to adapt to the learning needs of each student. This can identify areas where a student needs help and provide tailored feedback and support according to the needs of students & teachers. This personalized approach is beneficial for students to learn at their own pace and achieve better results.

4. Reduction of student anxiety: Some students may feel anxious or intimidated when asking questions in class or asking teachers for help. ChatGPT helps provides a safe and comfortable environment where students can ask questions freely without feeling embarrassed or ashamed or under any peer pressure.

5. Cost-effective: ChatGPT is a very economical cost-effective solution for school-going, students because it requires no additional manpower, and the technology can be easily integrated into existing learning management systems.


1. Limited communication: ChatGPT can provide answers and feedback, but lacks the human element essential for training. Chatting cannot replace the benefits of a real-life teacher or mentor who can provide emotional support and guidance.

2. Not Personalised Learning: Some students may find it difficult to use a machine and prefer to learn from a real teacher. ChatGPT has no human interaction.

3. Limited creativity: ChatGPT is designed to give answers based on pre-programmed algorithms. Although it can answer questions, it cannot provide the same level of creativity that a teacher can provide. This can limit the depth of student learning.

4. Dependence on Technology: Students who rely too much on ChatGPT can become dependent on technology and lose the ability to think critically or solve problems independently.

5. Data Privacy Issues: Most important disadvantage of ChatGPT is data privacy. There are privacy and security concerns. ChatGPT may collect information about student interactions, and there is a risk that this information will be misused or fall into the wrong hands.



Daniel Miller

I am an educational counsellor at Careerera. Careerera is a leading online certification and training provider that includes higher education professional.