A script that compiles a C file and creates an executable

Mar 17, 2023


This will be the simplest concept that we will cover, as we will only be compiling and redirecting the executable file.

We will use gcc alone with out any options, this is because the source code will be undergoing all the 4 steps of compilation.

gcc source_code_file

The above code compiles the source code and makes it executable.

Now that we have an understanding of the concept, how about we solve a problem

*Write a script that compiles a C file and creates an executable named cisfun.

* The C file name will be saved in the variable $CFILE

The above question asks that we compile $CFILE and store the result in cisfun this should be easy, don’t you agree?

gcc $CFILE -o cisfun

I hope you learned something.

