Does Pair Programming Not Fit Your Learning Style?

Daniel Soares
5 min readJul 18, 2023

How your learning personality types are tied to pair programming effectiveness.

My Experience with Pair Programming.

My journey in web development has led me to take learning through many mediums. Pre-recorded videos, Live video chat, Guided online learning, but pair programming is a learning technique that comes up often. In my current diploma, I have worked in pair programming teams many times but always finish exhausted. I felt that I wasn't pulling as much value from it as I should. I wanted to explore pair programming and its potential to cater to different learning styles and personalities.

What is pair programming?

What is it? pair programming is a collaborative software development practice that has gained popularity for its effectiveness in producing high-quality code and fostering continuous learning. Pair programming involves two developers working together at a single computer, with one actively writing code (the “driver”) and the other providing real-time solutions to problems and proofreading (the “Navigator”). This dynamic fosters constant communication, immediate error detection, and seamless idea sharing. The roles can be switched regularly to promote equal participation and knowledge sharing.

Driver: Actively writing code and implementing the logic. Handling syntax and ensuring proper coding practices. Navigator: Analyze the code being written by the Driver. Providing feedback and suggestions for improvements.

Embracing Individuality

Pair programming has its fair share of admirers, who praise its advantages like improved code quality, seamless collaboration, immediate feedback, fewer bugs, and faster learning. While I can’t deny the potential benefits, my own experiences with pair programming have left me contemplating why my paired sessions leave me feeling more drained than enlightened.

It’s essential to acknowledge that pair programming might not be a perfect fit for everyone. It demands effective communication and collaboration, which can occasionally lead to friction between partners. As someone who appreciates occasional solo work, I’ve found it challenging to stay in sync with a partner throughout the entire process. And let’s not forget about those personality clashes or conflicting work styles that can occasionally disrupt harmony. So, while pair programming may have its strengths, let’s not forget to explore the diversity of learning styles and personalities to tailor this practice and make it truly beneficial for everyone. But is it for everyone?

What do the experts think?

In a fascinating study conducted in Taiwan where students from a data science field actively participated in pair programming and took surveys tracking their confidence in their code. researchers took into consideration Kolb’s Education Personality Wheel. Here is a breakdown of the personality types.

Kolb’s personality style breakdown: Diverger, Assimilator, Converger, Accomodator

I found myself identifying with the converging class, so moving on I wasn’t surprised to hear the results of the study. The results were intriguing, showing an overall increase in students’ code retention and confidence, but delving deeper into the data, it was revealed that Assimilators reaped the most significant benefits from pair programming. This makes sense to them being in their element, learning hands-on with fellow peers, and trading ideas in real time. Converging types experienced no advantages in comparison. As for the other personality types, the impact varied, with some showing a minor confidence increase, and another type a minor decrease.

confidence after pair programming chart, convergers suck at it and assimilators rock at it

These findings offer valuable insights into the dynamics of pair programming and how different personalities may respond to this collaborative coding approach.

Upon analyzing the study’s findings, I found myself contemplating how I could adapt my coding approach to align better with my learning style. I brainstormed various strategies to fully immerse myself in the pair programming experience and extract its benefits. While I may not have experienced the same level of confidence boost as others, I began to realize that pair programming had more to offer than just writing flawless code and building self-assurance.

Pair programming is, in itself, a crucial skill. It teaches the art of receiving instructions and critiques gracefully from peers. It provided a platform to share ideas effectively and directly, something that any fellow head-in-the-clouds programmer could work on improving. This realization shed light on a curious aspect: Why is pair programming predominantly associated with educational settings? If it’s such a fantastic approach, shouldn’t its merits extend beyond the classroom?

Pair programming in the real world?

Leading companies, like Pivotal, have widely embraced pair programming, acknowledging the plethora of advantages it brings. Besides enhancing learning, it fosters knowledge transfer, allowing junior developers to glean insights from seasoned team members in real time. The collaborative nature of pair programming paves the way for heightened code quality, reduced defects, and accelerated onboarding for newcomers. Pivotal’s success stories, shared through articles detailing their experiments with different pairing techniques, demonstrate the immense value pair programming brings to their growth. As businesses prioritize efficient and high-quality software development, the significance of pair programming as a valuable industry skill continues to thrive.

So pair or despair?

In conclusion, While it may not be a perfect fit for everyone, it’s crucial to recognize that pair programming offers more than just technical gains. It cultivates essential skills like effective communication, open-mindedness, and the ability to embrace critiques, all of which are invaluable assets in the ever-evolving world of software development.

Even if you, like me, have occasionally questioned the benefits of pair programming, remember that it’s not just about producing flawless code. It’s a vital skill that prepares you for real-world scenarios, where collaboration and teamwork are essential. As we’ve seen, leading companies have wholeheartedly embraced pair programming, recognizing its undeniable impact on knowledge sharing and code quality. Embrace this collaborative practice as a skill and a stepping stone to becoming a well-rounded and adaptable software developer. In a dynamic industry like ours, mastering the art of pair programming can set you on the path to success, helping you thrive in team settings and contribute meaningfully to innovative and high-quality software development.


YA-FEI YANG; CHIEN-I LEE; CHIH-KAI CHANG. Learning motivation and retention effects of pair programming in data structures courses. Education for Information, [s. l.], v. 32, n. 3, p. 249–267, 2016. DOI 10.3233/EFI-160976. Available at: Accessed on 16 Jul. 2023.

