Exploring the Universality of Myth: Common Themes in Global Mythologies

Serena Daniels
16 min readNov 5, 2023
Myths aren’t just timeless, they’re also boundless Source

Mythology has been an integral part of human culture since the dawn of civilization. Across the world, various cultures and societies have developed their own mythological narratives to explain the mysteries of existence, natural phenomena, and the human experience. While these mythologies differ greatly in their stories and characters, it is fascinating to discover that there are remarkable similarities and common themes that unite them. In this article, we will explore some of these common themes and motifs found in mythologies from around the world.

Creation Myths

One of the most prevalent themes in global mythologies is the creation myth. These narratives explain the origin of the universe, Earth, and humanity. Surprisingly, many creation myths share several core elements. For instance, the concept of a primordial void or chaos preceding creation is present in multiple mythologies.

Furthermore, many creation myths feature a divine creator or a group of gods who shape the world. This common motif emphasizes the human need to comprehend the origins of existence.

Creation myths are an essential part of the folklore and cultural heritage of many societies and religions across the world. These myths offer explanations for the origin of the…



Serena Daniels

Writer, painter, horror freak of all mediums, disability advocate, especially hidden disabilities, animal lover, chocolate fanatic, metalhead