If you want something just go for it.

Daniel Alejandro Teles
2 min readApr 7, 2017


Most of us spend our time reading books,articles, some notes from any important writers, philosophers or famous thinkers, trying to figure out or looking for answers for any problem in our life.

We think that any of those people can deal with our problems or maybe give us the solutions about it, but it doesn't work like this, it is not about how many books do you read, it is about what decision do you have to make, this is what really matters.

We thought that while more knowledge we have, more assertive we will be or we’ll have the solutions about everything, but the most brilliant people , sometimes they don’t get what they want. the question is “why this happen?”.

The answer is decisions , actions, organization and focus. You can be the smartest guy in the world, but if you don’t have a organization system, where you can put all your ideas , make a follow up, and then reorganize if everything goes bad , you will never get anything in your life.

This is too simple, if you are a old school person ,a notebook and a pen is good, a computer is more practical for me or whatever tool that will make you feel comfortable. But do it.

once you make your own organization system, is when the knowledge comes into action and make sense, and will be helpful to make your path easier and pleasurable.

In the next post, I’m gonna explain you how to make your own organization system, step by step. THANK YOU

Don’t stop learning but organize you.

