Daniel the Naturopath
4 min readSep 19, 2022

What is the best magnesium supplement ?

Comparison of the Top Five Brands

#1 Heart of Tradition — Topical Magnesium with Zechstein Inside® Certification

By far the best of those tested. The glass bottles are a must for transdermal applications. Magnesium in plastic absorbs known endocrine disruptors and phtalates which create hormonal imbalances at the cellular level. It is the only mag. on the market in glass that has an actual certification from the only source in Holland for authentic Zechstein products. You will find many brands using self-certified “Zechstein” products without the unique logo. This brand only uses 100% brine with no dilution or fillers, full strength. Many brands add all sorts of ingredients and often dilute the product. It is not expensive ($3 a week). Heal the biggest deficiency in health today affecting 800 processes in the human body for only 50 dollars a year for a 4-month yearly application, Avoid Asian, chemically-treated look-a-likes.This has stopped my cramping, helps me sleep better and has healed my tooth pain. It is the only magnesium on the market that has been tested for the elimination of heavy metals and aluminum from the body. This product is widespread in Europe, and is finally available online in the USA (ships from Santa Monica, CA).




Magnesium chelates endocrine disruptors exiting them through the sweat glands on the condition that Glass bottles, which are free of phtalates, are used.


The only non- chemically treated products on the market have the Zechstein Inside® logo. The rest are often Asian imports which have false marketing claims and have been chemically treated.


For quick recovery, healing, pain, cramps, inflammation, better sleep, to heal the nervous system. Tooth pain, hair and skin care, overall vitality. Take before or after training, Absorb 20 minutes, then rinse or leave on.

# 2 LIFE- FLO Magnesium Oil

This product is easier to find in Walmart or other organic shops. It is the least expensive. However many websites warn against using transdermal products which have been stored in soft user-end plastic containers. Even if these containers may be BPA-free, this does not guarantee the absence of lesser known plasticising agents and hormone-mimicking substances found in all soft plastics. I also see no real certification on the product or trademark. This company also produces many other oils and lotions which are sold in plastic containers which significantly degrades the oil’s quality. We were puzzled by this practice. Although 20% less in price, we still recommend glass over plastic.



Can be found in Walmart which makes it more available to a wider range of consumers.


PLASTIC BOTTLES Plastics leech endocrine-disrupting chemicals into the final product.

# 3 Ancient Minerals — Magnesium Oil

We were not able to trace the true origins of this product. The seals and certifications come from the company’s own self-certification, self-created website which dates back to 2012. Without the Zechstein Inside® logo it is impossible to ascertain if the brand is not using Asian, chemically treated imports, or mixing these into their products. For the higher price they charge, you can get better quality in glass bottles. As for the dilution, it is hard to know if this is really full-strength as many brands are known to add water to these products to reduce the all-be-it beneficial tingling sensation and to increase the profit margin. Overall we were less impressed with this one, their price to quality ratio, even if they have the most internet presence.



Many resellers found online. Great marketing and website.

Negatives :

PLASTIC BOTTLES User-end soft plastics Contain hormone- mimicking compounds which are better avoided.

NO CERTIFICATION I wish they had a seal or trademark printed on the bottle to confirm the stated origins and purity.

UNVERIFIABLE ORIGINS — Their “Zechstein” claims are issued from self-certification.

#4 Natural Calm and #5 Various Oral Magnesium Pills

Taking bitter-tasting magnesium orally can harm the kidneys. Even if you desire to take a very small amount internally during flu season, the quality of this magnesium is generic and solvent treated. Oral supplementation is a modern invention. Historically our ancestors got their magnesium from two sources : from food grown in healthy soils and from the mineral-rich waters of regional, bath, ocean and spa practices. The origin of the bath culture in ancient Greece was Magnesia. Re-aligning with traditional wisdom allows for greater healing and absorption. And although there are only a few modern studies confirming this reality for now, there is a large consensus in the sports medicine world confirming the improved experience many athletes are having while using and recovery. If the transdermal route works for them, it works for us all.


Generic chemically treated magnesium used as the base.

Questionable absorption / retention. Intolerance for many.

Oral supplementation may damage the Kidneys long-term.