Coner joins the OST KIT Alpha Phase III challenge!

2 min readJul 14, 2018


After winning the Most Innovative Award for OST Phase II, I am beyond excited to announce that I will join the OST Alpha III challenge with Coner!

Coner simplifies combing through research papers in digital libraries. The interactive document viewer visualises automatically extracted keywords in documents, allowing users to rate and add new keywords. Coner’s goal is to revolutionise the way we search and explore digital libraries.

Coner utilises our own minted Coner Tokens, which is an OST branded Token economy, to motivate users to give high quality feedback on automatically generated keywords and keywords other users have added.

So far I have built a proof of concept reward system for Coner user interactions; every time somebody finishes reading a paper, rates a keyword or finds a new relevant keyword and adds it, he/she is rewarded with some Coner Tokens, all thanks to the OST KIT⍺ API.

The next step towards a full active token economy in Coner is the possibility for users to get an overview of how many tokens they have earned and spent so far with their own embedded Coner Tokens Wallet. Due to the incredibly rapid development of the OST KIT API, we now have access to the brand new OST Ledger & Balance APIs. This release will allow Coner to synergise even more with the Coner token rewards and wallet features.

I will be posting weekly updates (inspired by the OST Alpha Phase III Guidelines) on everything related to my progress on Coner’s new features, my vision for user incentivisation through blockchain token economies and much more!

I can’t wait to share more details next week about how Coner will integrate the updated OST Ledger & Balance APIs to empower Coner’s users to interact with documents like never before. In the meanwhile, feel free to play around with the Coner viewer online demo and stay tuned!




MSc. Data Science student at TU Delft | Full-Stack Web Developer | Blockchain enthusiast