Sgt. First Class (res.) Ben Zussman

Daniel Waxman
4 min readDec 14, 2023


  • In this blog, Daniel Waxman, will seek to provide a more complete picture of each of the brave IDF soldiers who have fallen in the battle with Hamas since October 7. Daniel will draw on statements of what others say about them and other available information. Daniel Waxman feels these beautiful souls who have sacrificed their lives for the Jewish people need to be much more than a name and a number.

Sgt. First Class (res.) Ben Zussman, 22, of the Combat Engineering Corps’ 401st (Iron Tracks) Armored Battalion, was killed during his reserve service in the northern Gaza strip on December 3. He was laid to rest on December 4 at the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem.

He was a graduate of Himmelfarb High School in Jerusalem and the school’s sixth casualty of Operation Swords of Iron.

He was an outstanding player at Hapoel Jerusalem Table Tennis Association. The Association’s Facebook page called his death a “terrible disaster” and described Zussman as “salt of the earth,” “the hero of Israel,” and the “best of the best.” It added that “all Hapoel Jerusalem players share in the family’s grief. May his memory be blessed.”

Dodik Altertz, Zussman’s former table tennis coach and whose son, Liad, was Zussman’s friend, wrote:

Dear son, I can’t believe I’m writing about you in the past tense. I had the huge privilege of coaching you and accompanying you for over 10 years. I’ve always said that I wish all the players I coach and coach in the future would be like you. To this day, new children in our teams, who never knew you, hear us from the coaches in the association who talk about your good qualities and mention you on many occasions.

Ben, salt of the earth, an outstanding athlete, a shining example of seriousness, perseverance, investment, sticking to a goal, achievement, paragon, helping your friends, always volunteering. You were much loved and appreciated by all who knew you, your virtues radiated and positively influenced all your friends. You infected everyone around you with your ambition, your kindness, your gratitude and doing good… I was so happy a few months ago that you were discharged from your regular service and I saw you finally return to play and even start coaching with the team, and as usual you did it with enthusiasm and great giving.

Just a few days ago I spoke to you during the war and you told me that everything is good with you, that you lack nothing, and you promised me that you are taking care of yourself and that I have nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, this time you did not keep your promise. I’m sad and it’s very hard for me. I can’t believe I won’t see you again, that I won’t get to guide you again, and that I won’t get to hug you. I promise I will never forget you, the light you spread wherever you were will continue to accompany me and all the players of the association. Love you so much, dear son. You will forever be in my heart.

Shai Harush, Ben Zussman’s friend, wrote on his Facebook page: “Zussman … loved ping pong with all his heart. He was a man of a sense of humor brimming with dark jokes, who would bring them up at every opportunity. Sussman was a man of sweat and hard work, always investing no matter what task it was.”

Zussman was the son of Tzvi and Sarit Zussman of Jerusalem, and the grandson of Edna and Aver Zussman, who is a part-time Denver resident. His mother Sarit Zussman’s eulogy which she delivered at his funeral moved millions of Israelis. She stated:

We will prevail. We don’t have any other option. We are a people that values life. Not like our vile and wretched enemy, cowards, Nazis and their allies who sanctify death.

We will live. We will prosper and we will build. And our leaders must be worthy of us, of the Israeli spirit that pulsates within each and every one of us, of the Israeli spirit that pulsates within our amazing soldiers.

If our soldiers succeeded in putting themselves aside and putting the nation in the center, it is only fitting that our leaders do the same. Leaders who don’t understand this, leaders who walk around with a sense of arrogance, should step aside and make way for those who do know what to do. Because we must prevail. Are you listening people? Do you hear me world? Do you hear me you vile enemies who lust for death and evil?! Am Yisrael Chai! [Israel Lives], forever and ever and ever. Standing tall and with our heads held high. Now more than ever. Let’s strengthen ourselves. Let’s believe. Let’s demand good. Let’s insist on the good and we will prevail.

He is also survived by his siblings Mika and Boaz.

  • In this blog, Daniel Waxman, will seek to provide a more complete picture of each of the brave IDF soldiers who have fallen in the battle with Hamas since October 7. Daniel will draw on statements of what others say about them and other available information. Daniel Waxman feels these beautiful souls who have sacrificed their lives for the Jewish people need to be much more than a name and a number.



Daniel Waxman

Daniel Waxman of Long Island, NY is a hobbyist who enjoys a diverse range of activities. Daniel Waxman is also a proud member of the Jewish community.