3 Reasons Your Emergency Dispatch Center Needs Quality Furniture

Daniel Woodward
4 min readFeb 1, 2022
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Is your emergency dispatch center up to snuff?

Today’s emergency dispatch centers are often full of first responders who must work long, rigorous hours on phones and radios. It’s a job filled with stress and shifts that can often last as long as 12 hours, with employees working days on end.

Even for seasoned veterans in the public safety field, it’s worthwhile to reflect on the great importance of these buildings and the people who occupy them.

These are the places where 9–1–1 calls are answered and where dispatchers monitor their units to send them vital information, such as emergency locations and other crucial, life-saving details. They are the eyes and ears of emergency response and an irreplaceable part of the process of keeping you safe.

Truly, emergency dispatchers are the “first first-responders.”

And so, with, in a high-stress environment such as this, the importance of comfort and functionality cannot be understated!

Comfort Goes a Long Way

I remember this one emergency call center.

The chairs were old, in disrepair, and had stains all over them. They would regularly break. They were uncomfortable. Sometimes, there weren’t even…

