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Four Forgotten Foundations to Better Mental Health

Daniel Woodward


Depression. Despair. Ennui.

Maybe you suffer from a mental disorder. Maybe you don’t. But regardless of where you fall on the mental health spectrum, one thing is for certain: we all will experience mental health issues at one time or another. Indeed, one of the biggest problems the average human being will eventually grapple with in their life is learning how to answer the question, “What am I to do with myself?”

You may face this question only rarely, or it may be a daily occurrence (like me!) It may be the result of a bona fide psychiatric problem, the need for a psychological attitude adjustment, or a combination of both. Or maybe it’s none of those things, because the causes of such a mindset are manifold, I’m sure. Of course, if you’re having a psychiatric issue, seeking professional help and/or medication is advisable. So, there’s my obligatory disclaimer. Just covering my bases!

But outside of all the above, I believe there are some things that we can do on our own to help better our personal outlooks on life. I believe this because I have seen first-hand how small changes in routine, habits and behavior can truly bring about tremendous changes in one’s personal life, for the better.

And vice versa, I have seen how the absence of them makes everything so much worse.



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