How Good Research Impacts Your B2B Marketing

Daniel Woodward
3 min readFeb 1, 2022
Photo by ANTONI SHKRABA from Pexels

Do you have a good marketing plan?

Or do you have one at all?

The effectiveness of your marketing can make or break your sales, as well as make the difference between obtaining that coveted status of “industry leader” or being just one of “the other guys.”

Whether or not you have an excellent marketing strategy that is yielding incredible results, or you need some help figuring out exactly where to start, looking at what you have and re-analyzing its effectiveness is something that should be done regularly if you want to maintain a sharp competitive edge.

Since I love medieval warfare analogies, I think of it like sharpening your sword and keeping it ready for battle. A dull sword just won’t work as effectively as a razor sharp one, and it can make all the difference.

And one of the first steps to keeping your sword sharp is to utilize solid research and reconnaissance to boost your marketing efforts. This means conducting research on your competitors!

Direct and Indirect Competitors

To conduct thorough competitor research, you first need to know who your direct and indirect competitors are.

Your direct competitors will be those who offer the exact same product or service you are offering…

