Danii Arain
4 min readMay 22, 2018

Kindness for me is to be friendly and show care for people. A little gesture of kindness by you can bring happiness in someone’s life, can provide them with the push they needed and can even help them learn and grow.

I will be mentioning here 5 acts of kindness that may seem unworthy but helped me understand people better.

  1. Cooking

I am not a good cook by any means and also I hardly know how to cook anything except for omelette but last time when I visited home, my sister came by after a long year. I was very happy to see her and in the afternoon she asked my mother for sandwiches. My mother wasn’t felling well that time so I along with my cousin thought of trying it. It took us a long time to search on youtube, make up for the ingredients needed and then make it but, Alhamdulillah! at last we succeeded it in making a pretty much ok sandwich. When I woke my sister up and gave her sandwiches I could see a blend of emotions in her eyes. She was in an absolute shock but was also smiling and happy. She tasted it, thanked me and, asked me to not to try to cook anything ever again.

P.S: It affirmed my perception that I can’t be a good cook.

2. Helped in Arranging Blood

I was at my home and it was around 4:30 a.m. when I received a call from my friend who is a doctor himself and asked me for O-negative blood for one of his acquaintances. The very moment I got out of my bed, contacted all my friends and cousins and asked them for the donation. Finally, I was able to come across my uncle who is an O- negative and we went to the hospital, donated blood and asked for any help from the family of the patient. Although, it may seem casual as almost everyone of us donates blood but, in that very moment the joy I felt watching the family of the patient was something I can’t define in words.

3. Donated my Old Clothes and Shoes:

A few months back, I was with my friends hanging out in a restraunt. Soon after we were done by our meal and came out of the restraunt, I came across a boy of my age who asked for a meal, we arranged a meal for him, took him to my home and donated him with some clothes and a pair of shoes. This is a small act but after all that the guy was very happy and thankful.

4. Returning Eye Glasses of My Classmate:

A few days back i was in library of my university when I came across eye glasses on a book shelf. I picked them up and suddenly it clicked in my mind that these are pretty much the same my classmate uses. I contacted her on facebook and asked her if she had lost her glasses and as expected she said Yes. She has lost her glasses somewhere 2 days back. I sent her a picture of her glasses and asked her if it is the same and it was also a Yes.So, I asked her to pick it from me tomorrow in class and I returned it back to her. After which, she was very happy and thankful.

5. Went to Pick My Cousin who had a Punctured Bike:

I received a call from my cousin at around 9:30 A.M. in the morning and he told me that his bike got punctured at autobahn road, Hyderabad and asked me if I could come and help in dropping him to his office. I went to him with some water with me, provided him with water and took him to his office. A little gesture but somehow I was able to help him.

  • Be kind and keep spreading happiness.